Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Evening chick - hope your well? Im much better thanks still a little wary when driving but at least im not having bad dreams/thoughts now thank goodness :D Family is great thanks for asking - Jackson has a little cold poor mite so he's getting lots of cuddles hehe x

Hey Hun
Not too bad here thank you. Rejoined SW last night and really pleased again. Hopefully should eat better once I've been hospital for my stomach though lol but other than that I'm ok.

I'm glad you're not having bad dreams now take it easy hunni.
I'm glad Jackson and family are good too bless him with his little cold xxxx

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Evening chick hope your well?

I had a 0.5 gain at WI tonight pah shoulda had a bigger wee lol x

That'll soon come off - a long walk with ur little man wd sort that!x
Good evening
Sorry about the wee gain, hope your little prince is in the mend again xx

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Evening Sheila, how has your day been? I've managed to stay on plan ready for WI tomorrow, hoping the scales will be kind to me this week :rolleyes:
Morning hope domestic issues are sorted and you can gave a good day x

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Evening ladies - sorry been awol - having domestic issues i'll be back on Sunday as im out tomorrow night

Hope your all wellxx

hope ur dealing with it - enjoy ur party xxx
Morning all - No hangover whoop whoop!

We had a lovely time at the party - lots of body magic but the food was very beige lol I know I should have eaten before I went to resist temptation but hey ho.

Im back to playing taxi today ( well it is Sunday) - things are less strained at home but still not 100%.

Andrea picks up her new car tomorrow so that will make things easier for her to get about rather than them having to share one and work around son in laws shifts. I need to catch up with diaries at some point today I feel like ive missed loads xx
Morning Texty
I always think it's fine to go off plan for a celebration well done for getting straight back on it. Sorry to hear things are difficult at home. Have a lovely day x

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Morning Texty
I always think it's fine to go off plan for a celebration well done for getting straight back on it. Sorry to hear things are difficult at home. Have a lovely day x

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Thanks Jen - I had 1 plate of food normally id go back for 2nds lol. Brekki was straight on plan this morning :D I need to drink lots of fluid today for rehydration.

Things will improve at home all I will say is MEN grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! lol xx