Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

I wish I could hun - it may come to that at the end of the week if I feel worse though. Ive not had any sick for almost 7 years x
Hey Texty, 7 years no sick is wow. In my job if your fit enough to be in work they expect 100% there's no concessions if you feel a bit yuk so if your going in make sure work know so they can appreciate you being there. Hope you get well soon xx
Hey Texty, 7 years no sick is wow. In my job if your fit enough to be in work they expect 100% there's no concessions if you feel a bit yuk so if your going in make sure work know so they can appreciate you being there. Hope you get well soon xx

I work flexi so I think I may be putting some short days in :) x
HEXA - none yet
wholemeal roll

Brekki -
Melon, Strawberries and Parma Ham

Dinner - Jacket potato with mashed egg and tomato filling, lettuce, cucumber, and tomato wholemeal pitta

Tea - Wholemeal roll with thin strip steak, mushrooms and onions, McCain 5% chips

Drinks - Tea, pepsi max

Snacks - Pineapple

Syns - 1 wholemeal roll (7) 1 pitta (5) chips (5) Sugar (1) Milk(0.5) Flora (1) Total 19.5 bread overload today :-(
Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Oh hun, sounds like you have what I had the other day. Hugs x