Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Re: Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Ooo I almost forgot..... Have an absolutely amazing time with the lovely Gill today!! I hope your back doesn't stop you from having fun! Then again.... It's usually the sitting position while drinking wine! So you'll be fine! :p:D:p:D xxx
Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Have a fab day x
Keep blooming forgetting to get any pudding rice!

Have you got risotto rice hun? That works quite well if you haven't got pudding rice :) Same as pudding rice works quite well in a risotto :) xx
Hi Sian hun - no I always buy pudding rice ( just cos my mam did awww) I buy a massive bag so it lasts ages.

Ive had a lovely day out with Gill we had lunch, a good laugh and shopped ( oh and ooops some cake) well it was a syn not too lol