Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Im bloody starving lol but ..... today I thought sod it im having a day off plan haha. So what have I had

Fruit n Fibre
Jacket Pot with tuna/mayo,cheese and red onion
A small piece of toffee cheesecake
A biscuit
A cheese sarnie to keep me going uintil 8pm when I eat my curry

So not totally off plan I started off well :D
It will do you good Sheila I think the body needs naught stuff now and then to get it out the system and I find it easier to get back on plan knowing I've had my naughty day I'm planing one either tomorrow or Saturday thinking Saturday cofactors with an Indian or Chinese Or dominos havnt quite made my mind up ohhhh why 8 o'clock I'd be there at opening time hahaha X
Lol - If I eat later it means I wont pick before bed as ill still be full. Not had a Dominoes for years nom nom. The last few times the lads have had takeaway ive sat in another room so im not tempted :)
Lol - If I eat later it means I wont pick before bed as ill still be full. Not had a Dominoes for years nom nom. The last few times the lads have had takeaway ive sat in another room so im not tempted :)

Ohh your so good I hate when hubby eats all kinds in front of me he teases me with all kinds him and the kids had maccies yesterday and I went in the garage sorted all the washing when I came out they'd finished thank god LOL X
I reckon you should go. I love the wraps and also half chicken with rice and coleslaw I get the mild flavouring though Im a wimp haha
I reckon you should go. I love the wraps and also half chicken with rice and coleslaw I get the mild flavouring though Im a wimp haha

I just might before my watching what I ate days I'd of had pizza bread with red pepper dip to start
Half roast chicken medium & chips and corn
And me and hubby used to share a chicken ceased salad :-0
We also shared a large rice nearly forgot that LOL X
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Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Oh Dominoes! Yum! X