Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Oooh keep forgetting to tell you, finally got some scan bran, gonna do a cake later so can take a bit for my overtime tomorrow ... :)
Oh Texty, I've just read about you suffering again with your back, I'm so sorry I didn't realise earlier, so wrapped up in my own news I was. Anyway, I hope its eased up for you and your enjoying your tea. I'm feeling OK again now the BF's cheered me up & my mums trying to be positive bless her xx
Oh Texty, I've just read about you suffering again with your back, I'm so sorry I didn't realise earlier, so wrapped up in my own news I was. Anyway, I hope its eased up for you and your enjoying your tea. I'm feeling OK again now the BF's cheered me up & my mums trying to be positive bless her xx

Awwww no need to apologise hunni - im ok ive taken more drugs (god i sound like a junkie lol)

Im glad your feeling a litter better chick and that your mum is a bit more positive. xx
HEXA - 40g Cathedral Lighter choices mature cheddar
60g Wholemeal roll

Brekki -
Sb cake, banana, pineapple, plum DSC_0786.JPG

Dinner -
Chilli mince, fried potatoes, fried onion DSC_0787.JPG

Tea -
Homemade curry burgers topped with cheese, SW chips, cucumber,tomato, gherkins , tomato sauce DSC_0799.JPG

Drinks -
Tea, Pepsi max

Snacks -
Grapes, Strawberries, mini meringues

Syns -
Sugar(1), Tommy Sauce(2) SB cake (2.5) Daim Bar (7.5) 2 x mini meringues (2) Total 15
