Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Glad physio wasn't too bad....and ouch to your bank going again :(

Maybe it was being too flexible that caused it ;)

Hope it's eased up a bit now hun xxx
HEX A - 250mls ss milk
HEX B - Fruit n Fibre

Brekkie -
Fruit n Fibre with a banana

Lunch -
2 x wholemeal bread with ham and tomato

Tea -
Corned Beef hot pot and a dumpling DSC_0134.JPG

Drinks -
Tea, Pepsi Max

Snacks -
Grapes and Strawberries

Syns -
Sugar (1) Bread (5) Corned Beef - Princes Reduced Salt (5) Dumpling (7.5) Total 18.5

Got a gammon cooking in slow cooker for tomorrow and ive made a rice pudding and added cinnamon to it yummy


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He did panic bless him I just had to tell him I cant bare to be touched when it locks. So he got me a drink and took the rice out of the oven lol. x

Fran - he can dream lol im not that flexible. x

Thanks mrstore - im gonna buy a hotwater bottle tomorrow see if it helps as physio advised heat x
Try one of those wheat things that go in the microwave....we have one and it's great! Although I do feel a bit mean putting a little white fluffy doggy in the microwave!!! Lol xx
Lol the physio did mention getting one of those heat thingys. Ill have a look for one tomorrow :D my office is freezing so will help keep me toastie all over lol
I can't believe how long you have been suffering with your back, you poor love! It sounds awful :(
Really hope this physio sorts it for you x
Thanks girls - its 7 weeks tomorrow but she reckons its been building for a long time - probably all work related and stretching at my desk and sitting down for 99% of my day at a computer. ( It did cross my mind that sitting on minis for hours on end wont help either, but then I thought sod it im gonna carry on lol)
Lol I do try Fran but when the phones are ringing constantly at work and the pressure is on u to finish stuff its hard. Sometimes its hard even to get a toilet break grrrr
Yeh they will have to. Ive not got a date yet but sooner rather than later I think. Im not moving far from my old team ( just to the top of the room) so will still see my friend for lunch etc. I wont miss the gobshytes on the section, their constant talking/noise is what stresses me out a lot of the time. My manager is just as bad, and when your on the phone to a solicitor it is so unprofessional to hear that in the background. Ive lost count of the times ive told them to shut up
He doesnt though hes a bit of a jack the lad, wants to be liked by everyone, a bit of a brown nose, and likes to know whats going on. He is never in his seat grrrr
That 7 weeks will fly by and then it's your holidays :)
Seriously I hope it does fly by Hun x x

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