Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Re: Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Morning! I like the look of that magazine too.... Will have a look for it in sainsburys later :)

What's the plans for today then hun?? Xx
Evening all ( done in my best policewoman voice) lol sorry Cookie. Hows everyone?

No plans for me tonight except x factor and a crunchie :D god I know how to live eh lol. I made a massive pan of broth today for me, and stood and made 2 minced beef pies for the lads ... Wow I was drooling but did I have any? NO!!! In your face scales whoop.
Re: Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Evening all ( done in my best policewoman voice) lol sorry Cookie. Hows everyone?

No plans for me tonight except x factor and a crunchie :D god I know how to live eh lol. I made a massive pan of broth today for me, and stood and made 2 minced beef pies for the lads ... Wow I was drooling but did I have any? NO!!! In your face scales whoop.

Lol... You do make me giggle! Well done on resisting hun!
X factor and a crunchie sounds fab to me!! Xx
HEXA - 40g cathedral lighter choices
2 x 400g wholemeal

Brekkie -
Jam on toast hexb (no marg), SB cake, grapes, pineapple, melon (tried a danio yogurt on top but scraped most of it off, I dont like them they are too thick for me )

Dinner -
Homecooked gammon, homemade coleslaw (carrots, onions, red and white cabbage, total yogurt, sweetener) DSC_0876.JPG

Tea -
Homemade Broth (gammon, carrots,turnip,leeks, onions,potatoes, veggie stock cubes, soup mix) DSC_0882.JPG

Drinks -
Tea, pepsi max

Snacks -
Rice pudding with cinnamon, banana, grapes

Syns -
Sugar (2) SB cake (2.5) Jam (2) Dash of milk in tea (1) Daim Bar (7.5) Total 15
Lol... You do make me giggle! Well done on resisting hun!
X factor and a crunchie sounds fab to me!! Xx

Lmao my face aint that bad is it?

Change of plan its a Daim bar now due to syns used - I had a cuppa at the hairdressers (which I normally forget about)