Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Morning ladies just doing a quick catch up as I probably wont be around later its my SW party tonight wahooo lots of voddie and brown food oops

God help the scales tomorrow ouch

Dont worry bout it!!
Enjoy yourself without guilt and get bk on it tomorrow . You could surprise yourself and be like those people in your group that you hate who eat ***** and lose weight!! Here's hoping for ya!!

have a good night now!!! Hangover - essential !! :D X
Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

Heya hun. Well done on the loss! That 3st sticker will be yours before Xmas! X
Morning ladies hows everyone? I had a really good night, I was home and in bed for 11.45 a little tipsy and stuffed lol. All bad food im afraid :-( ah well back on it today. Ive had my SB cake and fruit x
Hello Texty, glad you had a great night out last night, and good to see the OH is doing his bit with the cleaning. Xxx