Texty's Back - Plain and Simple


Last nights outfit - still need to work out how to rotate pics lol x
HEXA - 40g cheese reduced fat
Wholemeal Roll

Brekki -
Sb cake, strawberries, grapes, pineapple

Dinner -
Leftover chicken stirfry and a ham pease pudd cheese and egg sarnie ( hangover was kicking in lol)

Tea -
Corned Beef slices, SW chips beetroot and salad cream

Drinks -
Tea, Pepsi Max

Snacks -
None yet

Syns -
Sugar (1) milk (0.5) SB cake (2) Corned Beef (2) Salad Cream (2) Total 7.5

need to keep low now to make up for all the beige food I had last night oops