Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Good morning :D guess whos been up since 7am!!!!!

I was wide awake coughing and my back is killing me :cry: im sitting watching nothing to declare, listening to the torrential rain outside. The lads are still in bed think I need some brekki my tummy is rumbling lol
Lol he came into the sitting room and said urghhh are your guts alright?? must be something I ate!!!!!!

I said well ......... I didnt eat anything so mine are fine :p plus it might have something to do with all the BEER you consumed lol
Morning chick thank you. Im still sat in my pjs lol its too cold to move, I will at some point have to get dressed I suppose boooo x
Happy Sunday!

cant believe you were up so early. If i was you I'd be napping all day!
Oh well done for being up. It's cold outside but so sunny it has warmed up the house. Woo.