No lol im wide awake - done taxi run, had my dinner, made a sb cake, put some washing in. Im watching a film now, ill probably be zonked by 7pm lol x
Ohhh what you like woman deffo superwoman you are haha ;-)
Now relax and watch that film early night for Sheila haha XxX
Definitely an early night hun lol. I'll pick the boys up at 6, make the tea, put tomorrows lunches up, have a bath then bedxx
Never tried them chick I dont usually buy Ryvitas. Love cheese though lol x
On a what?? Am. I being thick? Lol xx
I love crackerbreads but not bought any since they changed the nutrional ingredients and theyre not a healthy extra, but may just have to be naughty and try the cheese ones (synned of course) lol.
I could sit and eat blocks of cheese im a bugga lol
Oh do you mean on a P**A?
There so handy for a snack ;-)
Shame they changed them :-( X
Oh! One of them! Lol xx
Oh do you mean on a P**A?
Lol I knew what you meant Kathryn didnt
Lol what does he know hes only a man lol