Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

yorkies HAVE to be homemade, I agree, but there has to be two of them :p
Mine's been the total opposite lol. Busy busy busy! Still got to put clean sheets on my son's bed.... I've been putting it off but as it's nearly his bedtime I'd better go and sort it xxx
He's not going anywhere near my bed lol. Oh aren't I cruel? ;-)
Pain isn't bad now I've rested for a little bit, so it's improved. How about you? How's your back? Xx
Its not been too bad today, but then again the most ive done is make lunch lol. Ive hardly moved from the chair :D work tomorrow yuk but im gonna ring docs then i have my physio at tea time so hope that goes ok
I can get through (eventually) its just the bloody receptionists. I hate it when they say can I ask what its about - no you bloody cant grrrrrrrrr One of these days I might say ive grown a willy can you help haha
When they ask now I just say no you cant its personal - what right have they got to ask im not making an appt to see them
Yeh they do that at our surgery Fran but ive been to see the nurse, she spoke to a doctor in the next room ( this was when I was having hip pain) she came back and referred me for a scan on my ovaries!!!! on doctors say so how can they do that without examining??

Ill demand to see a doctor again it was the doc who gave me the diazepam