Texty's Back - Plain and Simple

Texty wants to be sexy - or at least glam

What a cock! Consultants are worse than Drs though. Mum nearly ripped one consultants knackers off after he ****ed up, killed my grandad and wanted my dad to explain to his mum what happened so he could snivel off and hide from blame. I can't believe he tried to say it was tonsillitis!

Bloody hell! I'm not surprised your mum went mad.
Evenin sweetie... Hows you...?? Glad to hear you got some help at the docs honey...?? Yummy food day too... I like scotch broth so maybe i should try your soup lol..!! Xx
Hi hun im not too bad thanks hows u? Hopefully the gel will help me :D Ill use the soup up but i dont think ill make it again lol. If I do ill use less beans haha x
Hi hun im not too bad thanks hows u? Hopefully the gel will help me :D Ill use the soup up but i dont think ill make it again lol. If I do ill use less beans haha x

Fingers crossed it will help chick...!! Im good thankyou...
Lol!!! Stick to your yummy lookin broth honey xx
I think I will hun at least I know its lush lol. I was still hungry after the soup and fruit so I had some ham, egg and tomatoes with a packet of doritos :D
Oh hun that is awful. I'd be lost without my mum. She lost her mum young and I always worried I would too. Turns out she just likes to scare us all. I can't believe he was so negligent. My friend took her little girl private because of a few things wrong, turned out she had simple lip and tongue tie, which should be checked as routine at birth, but because she was 9 months old the nhs who had dismissed her the whole time wouldn't do the op because she was over 4 months old. She was at the drs or hospital every week and no one checked for it. She was still in 0-3 month size clothes. It is amazing she didn't die. My poor friend was breast feeding for 2 minutes every hour, day and night.
Awww thats shocking. Its awful how they mess people about. They also did the same with my sister they treated her for an ulcer/stress for months until she could bare the pain no more, they rushed her to hospital when they thought the "ulcer" may have burst, when they operated her pancreas was riddled with cancer she passed away 6mnths later she was only 39. She left 4 kids. Our Family could have sued the a$$ off them time and time again but did nothing
Yeh it was a different doctors surgery hun. Mam didnt want to kick up a fuss when she knew what had happened, and sisters family were the same. I think they just thought they had gone through enough.

I wouldnt think twice now if it happened again. I have a nasty/stubborn streak too I dont know where I get it from cos both my parents were so placid lol
Oh hun that is awful. I'd be lost without my mum. She lost her mum young and I always worried I would too. Turns out she just likes to scare us all. I can't believe he was so negligent. My friend took her little girl private because of a few things wrong, turned out she had simple lip and tongue tie, which should be checked as routine at birth, but because she was 9 months old the nhs who had dismissed her the whole time wouldn't do the op because she was over 4 months old. She was at the drs or hospital every week and no one checked for it. She was still in 0-3 month size clothes. It is amazing she didn't die. My poor friend was breast feeding for 2 minutes every hour, day and night.

My son was also tongue tied and I struggled for months to breast feed totally unaware. He used to cry 24 hours a day because he was just so hungry, poor little man, but according to the midwife /health visitors he was feeding like a 'text book' baby. I struggled on before giving up and bottle feeding. None of them picked up on it, and it wasn't until my mum was sat at the bus stop one day talking to a complete stranger about him, she called me as soon as she got home to ask whether or not he could poke his tongue out properly to lick an ice lolly, he couldn't. He was referred for surgery.......at almost 4 years old!!! In the meantime it had caused speech and language difficulties :-( $h!te aren't they?!!!

Sorry to randomly rant! Lol, hope you have a good day xxx
hey hunny.. not been around for a few days and boy does your diary on here get sooo many replies its hard to keep up. Hope you're well? xx
Thanks hunnie it was delicious its the first time ive attempted making so many dishes lol it was like an Asian feast
Food was :-
Chinese beef with oyster sauce
Chinese Lemon Chicken
Filipino Pork Adobo
Crispy Duck and Pancakes
I also made garlic mushrooms
Patatas Bravas
Jasmine Rice
Baby Spinach

And Dessert was Dark chocolate and peppermint mousse

Bloody gorgeous it was