16lb to go!
I think I am trying to reassess what's right for my life at the moment with regards to losing weight. Somehow I think dieting is quite transient in that when your life changes and therefore your routine, different diets will suit. Also with me I think I like the variety of changing tactics. So my next venture whilst at the palace is to lose the last 2 stone. But I'm not going to weigh, as I think that messes with my head too much, and anyway when I finish dieting I want it to be because I'm happy with how I look, and not because of what the scales say.
So I'm going to do a sort of semi-calorie counting, semi-low carb approach. I've worked out, if I eat 2 eggs for brekkers then that's the most sustaining thing which will keep me going for cycling to work and through the morning. Lunch, I'll have one of their main meals - no starter and no pudding, and wherever possible I'll leave carbs out or minimise carbs. On weekends we're given sarnies for lunch so I don't know what I'll do then - probably just pick the highest protein sarnies I can, as protein is what sustains... Then on weekdays for dinner I'll have salad or small stirfry and possibly a nutrition shake leftover from my LL/exante days.Weekends just a normal meal in the evenings I think...
Anyway I'll give it a go and see how it works out. I'll be burning tonnes of calories with cycling to and from work (90mins a day total), plus on your feet all day walking round, I should burn over 3000 cals a day, then have a 1500cal ish worth of meals. The only thing is that I need to make sure it's sustaining enough, I remember last year if I hadn't had enough to eat I'd sort of run out of energy whilst cycling! Hopefully keeping protein levels up will give me slow release energy.
Anyway enough ramblings. Oh! I went on the sunday roller stroll last weekend. It was a challenge but I was just getting the knack of it again and relaxing into it, when boo hoo I fell over! gave myself a nasty bruise and scrape even through knee pad! I think a stone must've jammed in my wheel or something, not sure. Anyway I want to practice some more and get better at going fast and being confident about stopping, and skating on difficult surfaces too.... So that might be a task for tomorrow....
anyways I'll stop rambling and sign off!