>>> The 2012 Six Stone Challenge Thread <<<

Mandy, i think you should go so you dont feel like you are missing out on life! Iv given myself the weekend off as hubby had his op my daughter has been poorly, so i will expect a gain tomorrow but i will be back on track tomorrow.
Just my thoughts! Lol xx
dont worry hunni go out enjoy the drinks you have I may of had a little more than 4!! not enough to warrant the gain though as had been good as gold with eating BUT hopefully get a bigger loss this week :) I only need 3.5 for my stone :) life is for living try not to let it worry you too much xx
SarahCroz said:
Hey Rozie... did you go to Bicester in the end?

Nahhh.. I ended up pottering in the kitchen all day so decided against it :D I'll go next weekend.

Have booked my train tickets to go up north :D hopefully I'll be able to book the thurs and fri off lol I'm sure there won't be any problems... :eek: very excited. Haven't been 4 months. Missing the kids alot :(

I've made soup, cannelloni and kebabs :D

Need to decide what to eat tonight now... Hmmm might make chips, eggs, kebabs and salad...
Ooooo how exciting :D Twill be lovely to see your family :)

Is it this week you're going?

I've had a kitchen day too :D
Corkscrew said:
Ooooo how exciting :D Twill be lovely to see your family :)

Is it this week you're going?

I've had a kitchen day too :D

No I'm not going for another 3 weeks yet.. Train tickets are super expensive unless you book wayyyyyy into the future :rolleyes:
Still, 3 weeks isn't too long to wait is it? :D

Are you taking Hubby with you?

I just end up being worried about him. Home time is MY time, not his lol

I know exactly what you mean :D I agree, tis you time with your family. You can do without accommodating hubby whilst you're enjoying theesen :D :8855:

Best get practicing your yaarkshire accent lass :D lol
Corkscrew said:
I know exactly what you mean :D I agree, tis you time with your family. You can do without accommodating hubby whilst you're enjoying theesen :D :8855:

Best get practicing your yaarkshire accent lass :D lol

Lancashire ;-) xx
Corkscrew said:
Oh bums! I got it wrong! :D lol

Lancashire accent then.............will you Mum have tea in t'oven? lol

Lol of course! Shes asked me already what I want to eat when I get there LOL she's mental...
Corkscrew said:
She sounds lovely :D

My Mum would say "er how long do you think you're staying?" :rolleyes: lol

Aww do you live close to ya mam?

It's very quiet here this weekend... Everyone is partying me thinks..