Ah you must be on the same as me - I kinda like not having a * week

I was moved from the pill I was on for years because my BMI was too high and I was considered a risk - I was gutted because i liked knowing exactly when I was getting a * with each pack ending and it controlled the flow and pain brilliantly - then I was told I may still bleed on and off with this new one I was gutted but thankfully haven't had any problems since being on it 6 months ago - have you been on yours long? I prob had a few small bleeds for the first month but nothing major - I hope it sorts itself out - one thing the nurse did recommend for me (assuming you are on the same) was if I got irregular bleeding to take my own break after each pack to allow my body to do so and then start again (keeping in mind being unprotected during those times)
Glad you had a good time with your bf though - sometimes we just need a nice treat
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