Silver Member
Thanks Ellen.. tbf I wasn't directing the I'm offended comment to you, it was to the previous post but I quoted the wrong post on my phone - me and technology, not a good combo !
I rarely play the violin or go over the bad bits of my bod but felt I had to justify that I'm not a time waster playing games on a forum. Nor do I need a reality check, reality hits me daily. I shouldn't of posted in regards to the dresses, lesson learnt fingers burnt and all that as I say to my lad! I just was delighted to get it on, reading it back it was a boast and I put it at the wrong place I just can't text my friends I managed to get it on as theyre all so diddy a 12 to them is enormous!
Anyway.. I'm not here to b**** or put anyone down, I just come on here to see how you're all getting on and gain support and hopefully give some too...
Line drawn!I will take the photos tho as soon as I can.
And thanks for your lovely comment Ellen, yummy mummy I wish! Fake tan + magic pants = my best friends! Hehe x x
Well I'm glad to move on... I'm currently celebrating fitting into some 20's. Hopefully should be in the 18's by my Birthday in July, that would be AMAZING!
What I will say about your pic (magic pants or not) is that you can still look fab with curves!