Mandy- have you managed to get rid of all the paint?
I couldn't have put it better than Peacey- she's so good with words bless her :hug99: I think you need to start from scratch. Plan plan plan.. Make sure you know what's going into your mouth and ensuring there aren't any syns in there.
It can be such a struggle sometimes thinking how much weight we could lose in a month, never mind in a yea but the main thing is that even though you might be off plan for a few days, you're back on it- which is better than what you used to do, right?
This is the time that you need to ensure you fuel your body with nutritious, healthy food. No junk food, no nasties xx
Fatbegone- I'm positive that the girls didn't mean to upset you, and you don't need to prove yourself to anyone. If you know that youre telling the truth, it shouldn't matter what other people think.
Having said that, I understand what they were thinking- I'm 19 stone and I wear size 28 trousers LOL I think the girls may have said what they did in another way, but this is the Internet and unfortunately because we don't know each other personally, We take things to heart.. I would have if they had said the same thing to me.
If one of my friends my size or a little smaller said that I would have pulled her leg and made a joke but you can hear people over the Internet..
We are still here to support one another

please don't feel like we won't, because we will.. And that's that. Line dawn and all that :giggle: I do wanna see your dress tho

just coz I'm nosey
Mr. Man- you've lost alot of weight.. Have u been on the laxatives again?

welcome... I will add u to the list soon, promise. I am very tired, and very stressed, and just very hungry at the moment- ok not very stressed, just stressed so will add u to the list shortly.
Rozie x