Nothing I say on here is something I wouldn't say stood in front of a person in real life. And there was certainly no 'high horse' and yes that does include what I said to fatbegone. I don't DO hiding behind computers. And considering you don't know me, other than reading words, you have no legitimate reason to say 'people' need to 'get off their high horse' I was on a perfectly level and honest ground when I spoke. As I am now. So instead of just, basically doing what your complaining about, which is talking at people from behind your computer, keep your opinions on people you don't know to yourself because on both accounts (the hiding and the high horse) you were wrong
My response was to what I had read based on the facts given, as we're Corkys- where as yours are accusations and un-needed because frankly what I said was of no concern to you. I am more than happy to talk to fatbegone, if she feels the need to do so over DM - but as far as anything else goes - what was said was said and concerns nobody else therefore consider it over and done with and move on - this matter actually ended a few pages ago and perhaps didn't need brining up again just so you could be a big protector.
I thank you, and goodnight.