Silver Member
xMandyDx said:I'm actually really thinking about going on the Irish version of the Voice for next season...
Ya really should just go for it chick if u do heck I will too
xMandyDx said:I'm actually really thinking about going on the Irish version of the Voice for next season...
I totally can relate to eating in public. It got to the stage I was nervous to go and buy my son a cake in greggs as everyone in the Que behind would think no wonder she's fat. Actually just remembered a sad memory.. I was having my eyebrows waxed and my mum who is also a fellow curvacious cutie (size 26 ish) and was sat outside on a busy highstreet with my son in his buggy looking at the pigeons and enjoying the sunshine. She fed him 2 fingers of pineapple and then gave him a treat bag of milky buttons.. as I came out I saw her crying and I said whatevers wrong, some ignorant person had walked up and said if you loved your little boy you wouldn't want him to end up like you so I would advise you to stop feeding him buttons. My mum bless her said he's my grandson and he's having a treat bag which consists of 6 or so milky buttons and the bloke laughed and said but look at the size of him he's had enough and walked off. She cried and cried.
So cruel how other feel they can pass judgement and nasty comments and they walk away and forget what they've said.
I ve had men shout from cars "ugly fat bit*h" and had women say you'd be so pretty if you were thin... It's hurtful. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, I get sooo cross now if I see anyone put anyone down or make them feel hurt/broken by nasty malicious comments. So much so I've seen a young boy of 13 crying as his "friends" were ripping it out of him for being a bigger lad and punching him and he ran off and I saw him again outside the shop in the car park and offered him a lift home and sensible boy said no but I gave him my phone to call his mum to collect him. Obviously out of the eyes of the bullies. Poor lad.
Arghhh. Rant over. Lol. I just hate that others feel its they're right to put ppl down over their physical appearance. It's cruel and I've had it in the past and I've gone to bed with these silly remarks going round and round and round my head. It's horrendous.
Ya really should just go for it chick if u do heck I will too![]()
t11cky said:Come on ladies, You can fight over me!!!
I could always be up for a weekend away from Chesterfield!! :gimi:
You know, in some 3rd world countries we'd be considered the créme de la créme! haha.
I've always been big. Some of the comments I've gotten were pure disgusting. I've gone home in tears after a night out more times than I can remember. People are so judgemental, and can be needlessly cruel. There was one night where I got so angry with some random guy who out of the blue said something really nasty, that I hit him. Square between the eyes. And then, as he was standing there, holding his bloody nose, I told him the reason it was broke was because I used all that extra weight behind the punch![]()
Quality, I love that story!!
I assure you though fat blokes dont feel that different!!
xMandyDx said:Do you sing, Emma!?
I totally can relate to eating in public. It got to the stage I was nervous to go and buy my son a cake in greggs as everyone in the Que behind would think no wonder she's fat. Actually just remembered a sad memory.. I was having my eyebrows waxed and my mum who is also a fellow curvacious cutie (size 26 ish) and was sat outside on a busy highstreet with my son in his buggy looking at the pigeons and enjoying the sunshine. She fed him 2 fingers of pineapple and then gave him a treat bag of milky buttons.. as I came out I saw her crying and I said whatevers wrong, some ignorant person had walked up and said if you loved your little boy you wouldn't want him to end up like you so I would advise you to stop feeding him buttons. My mum bless her said he's my grandson and he's having a treat bag which consists of 6 or so milky buttons and the bloke laughed and said but look at the size of him he's had enough and walked off. She cried and cried.
So cruel how other feel they can pass judgement and nasty comments and they walk away and forget what they've said.
I ve had men shout from cars "ugly fat bit*h" and had women say you'd be so pretty if you were thin... It's hurtful. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, I get sooo cross now if I see anyone put anyone down or make them feel hurt/broken by nasty malicious comments. So much so I've seen a young boy of 13 crying as his "friends" were ripping it out of him for being a bigger lad and punching him and he ran off and I saw him again outside the shop in the car park and offered him a lift home and sensible boy said no but I gave him my phone to call his mum to collect him. Obviously out of the eyes of the bullies. Poor lad.
Arghhh. Rant over. Lol. I just hate that others feel its they're right to put ppl down over their physical appearance. It's cruel and I've had it in the past and I've gone to bed with these silly remarks going round and round and round my head. It's horrendous.
xMandyDx said:Sounds like we have very similar voices. I did get up in the karaoke the other night, and started off with Natalie Imbruglia, went on to Whitney and Adele, and finished on Gloria Gaynor lol.
I sing Toni Braxton, Evanescence, Lauryn Hill, Amy Winehouse.... all sorts.
Thats horrible that. At some point that same guy will be stood wondering why he has just been randomly punched!
When I was much younger a lad once shouted out of a car 'oi, fat cow'. I surprised myself with my quick reply 'I can lose weight, but you will always be an ugly c*nt'. I have only ever used the C word twice in my life and that was the first.
xMandyDx said:I just had a curly wurly.... too busy chewing to sing![]()
xMandyDx said:Oh don't get me started! I could wax lyrical on this for hours!
I don't wanna be everyone's fat friend, the one they go out with and always know they're going to look better than, because the clothes for bigger people...they just don't EVER look right! Always tugging on them and fixing them, hoping you don't look as big as you fear you do....
I don't want my man to have to stand up and defend me when the unreared little animals (also known as some of the neighbours' kids) call me a fat c*nt.
I want to be able to go into a "skinny shop" and take hundreds of outfits into the changing room, just to see how absolutely fabulous I look in them! Instead of being ashamed to take the size 20/22 into the changing room, and feeling teary when it just doesn't fit/look right/hide enough.
I want to be able to sit on a bench on a roasting hot day, wearing shorts and a strappy top, eating an icecream, without wondering what insults people are muttering to themselves. "Beached whale/fatty/size of her/no wonder she's fat!"
I wanna be able to run and play with the kids, and grandkids some day, too!
I want to look good in a swim suit.
But mostly... I want to look as sexy as I know I can. haha. Sick to death of people telling me I've a gorgeous face, and a really great personality, and I'm talented and blah, blah, blah.... I want to have the body to match
Rozie, I hope you can sit down, relax, and have something nice to eat soon! Thanks for the motivational speak x
xMandyDx said:Minimins wedding!!! I want an invite!
xMandyDx said:Can't believe I left this out of my list! Blonde moment!
I want to lose weight, because I want the self-confidence I need to go after a singing career. I have the voice. I need the body![]()
xMandyDx said:I'm actually really thinking about going on the Irish version of the Voice for next season...