>>> The 2012 Six Stone Challenge Thread <<<

Another really good day today.

Breakfast - tea with milk (hexa) and 2 egg ommelette

Lunch - fruit and syn free yogurt

Dinner - Big bowl of stew with lots of sf added in

I still have my hexb, so going to have another cuppa and toast later. Going out for a walk soon.. I totally have cabin fever. Potty-training is horrible... but I've no doubt my little one will pick it up quickly. I'm just going to have to make sure she has a wee before we leave lol
0.5 off....meh
Well done everyone lots of positivity and Ellen a loss is a loss :)

Hope there are lots more 100% days :)
I gained 1.5lbs over the Jubilee festivities :(

I am going for 5lbs off this week and I have been so good - only 10.5 syns since tuesday morning and lots of walking :)

I WILL get that 4 stone award this week :-D xx
Hi girls,

Well done on all that lost this week :) x

Beth- you are a very very pretty young lady. Can't wait to see your final picture. What a difference. Well done girlie x

Back from hospital. Was a long day and sore today. Havent been properly on plan Monday Tuesday Wednesday but back on it today and hoping for at least STS on Monday. Upping water and lemon intake and gonna try for 1/2 SF on my plates with my main meals.
I gained 1lb this week. Gutted. Absolutely gutted. Thought I'd manage even a half off since I've been so, so good the past 5 days.
Oh Mandy, I'm sorry to hear that Hun... :hug99: it's a teeny lb but I know that doesn't help... Let's smash it this week. Please don't be disheartened..
I'm not disheartened Rozie. I know that sometimes your body just won't let go for whatever reason. Certainly the treats on Friday did not help, but really thought I'd have a small loss with how good I've been since. Hey-ho... next week I'll have a fabulous loss and probably be half way to my stone for my dress ;) All's well :)
xMandyDx said:
I'm not disheartened Rozie. I know that sometimes your body just won't let go for whatever reason. Certainly the treats on Friday did not help, but really thought I'd have a small loss with how good I've been since. Hey-ho... next week I'll have a fabulous loss and probably be half way to my stone for my dress ;) All's well :)

Yes you will!!! X

Feeling very pecking today so finished off the blueberries I had in the fridge. Might have a full jacket potato for supper because im still hungry! I've had a litre of fluids too today so can't be that. But will not have a packet of crisps or anything like that- even though I have syns for the day I'm trying to cut back on snacky things that aren't SF..
Evening all :) well I was in a baking mood so made the HALF syn roulade and made choccy and banana filling. Whole cake is 3 syns and it is amazing!

Off to aquafit soon too so hopefully I will have a decent loss this week :)
Phewwwwww... Ladies we know how to talk!

Ahh thanks roziee and mandy.. I honestly find it hard to see the difference. So pleased tho as I actually have a shoulder bone!!! That actually shows / defines my arms! Yipeee!!!

I lost 3.5lb this week! But then went on a mad binge... Subway, cake and macdonalds! Ahhh... Back on it today. Hoping ill loose 1lb for my 4 and a half stone award Monday but after that binge its not likely!

The following weeks its my boys birthday... And I've thought and thought about it and decided I'm really not going to blow it. I'll be really good the whole week and on his birthday (the Sunday day before weigh in) ill syn a slice of choc cake. I've only bought one cake for him this year too... I usually buy one for the party, one for his birthday, one for nannies, one for his dads etc etc and its because I love love cake! He's not bothered so I'm pleased I've talked sense into myself that one cake (well.. its a giant choccy cupcake!) Will be enough and I'm making individual cupcakes for his friends going home bags.

I have news ladies!!!

I have a date Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!??!?!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

He's younger than me, 23 in 3 weeks (I'm 25) he's really fit.. he's a PE teaching assistant and football coach and above all he makes me laugh and laugh and laugh. Even if not a long term thing its so lovely to feel that fluttery feeling , and that someone finds you attractive!?! Mad!!!

Will keep you all posted.

Roziee I have days like that allllll the time were I could pick and pick and pick. I now only have super free or if I have some crisps I have super free with it.

My determination is soaring... We are going to do this this time girls, I know it!!

Jayde I looooove the colour of your bridesmaid dress. You have perfect skin tone for it, you look fantastic!!! When's the wedding??

Mandy I don't envy you with potty training. My son was horrendous to train! He was 3 and a half before we even started. He's just so lazy! Although benefit with boys is they can just pee anywhere...!!! Hope your little one picks it up quickly, sounds like he's doing well. I remember my lad weeing in Evans!!!! The woman shouted at me and made me cry... It's so hard to predict when they'll wee, you can ask them 1000 times and then suddenly "mummy, I've wee'd" !! Arghhh.. fortunately i hope I won't be going back to Evans now as she made me feel so terrible and said really should you be bringing him out if you can't control him!
Wow a date! I can't wait to here about it! You have done so fab and of course you are attractive!

The wedding is on fathers day so 10 days time, really looking forward to it. Shame its the day before wi, I'm gonna ha e to be mega good all week leading up to it!

Off to aquafit in a min :)
Rozie, when our bodies are trying to recover from injury (which your injections certainly were!) it craves more and more food. Just so long as you're feeding it nice nutritious meals, you'll be fine!

Jayde, did you make the roulade filling with actual banana? I would imagine that's kind of slimy lol

FBG, a big well done on the birthday decisions! I'm sure it'll pay off big-time. And a date!!! Wooohooo! I remember how it feels when you think you're not at all attractive, and even being invisible would be preferrable to being so big, so that's a great confidence boost! I hope it goes really well for you both. I'll have to be slagging you about your "toy boy" now :p

As for the potty training.. I don't think she's too well today. She's being going #2 a lot and it's very watery. I'm kind of expecting to have to change the bed later on. Fingers crossed she doesn't destroy the bed, but won't be too surprised if she does. Poor baby. Her daddy gave out to her a couple of times today for going in her pants... her brand new pants that I had just literally bought her lol...but if she's not well she can't help it. Men have no patience or tact. I felt like murdering him.
Beth that's awesome. It so important to enjoy spending time with your partner. Just enjoy each others company. Be honest with him and see where it takes u. What are you gonna wear??????

I've been very good today mandy.

Breakfast was melon and blueberries

This was lunch- toast, scrambled eggs, a pinner of mushrooms and a tomatoe..


And this was supper- peri peri chicken, jacket potato, salad and Philly light


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Potty training must be so difficult. Really feel for u guys.. Keep at it. She'll get it eventually. Tell hubby to back off lol learning to use the potty takes time lol he just needs reminding thats all.
Mmmm that food looks yummy!
Mandy I mixed a tub of quark with some splenda and s sachet of options, spread it on the cake. Then added thinly sliced banana and rolled it up. It's lovely.


Roziee food looks lovely x
I want someone to make me the half syn roulade. Every time I've made it it's been horrible haha

Hope you girls are insomniacs tonight. Have a feeling I won't be sleeping till very late tonight. Tv can keep u company for only so long!
Lol ill try but I'm quite tired today. What goes wrong when you do it hun? This was the first time.I've made it so I was chuffed