The battle of the Bubble

Just blown the whole week:mad:
Had an indian take away we were late getting home from makros hubbys both "merry". Kids all hyper and me and mate couldn't be a***d, so had lamb balti, chicken jalfrezi, bombay aloo, bhajis, samosas, naan you name it we had it!! Plus chocolate, plus profiteroles. I feel sick....
Why? Why? I was in control and have now ruined a whole weeks work. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

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Come on now - we've all done that - life's for living - bet u had a good night - no-one's died - so no banging ur head - no being cross with u - think of how well u've done and how far u've come and just get back on plan and u'll stop the rot - and still have a loss this week!!
Just blown the whole week:mad: Had an indian take away we were late getting home from makros hubbys both "merry". Kids all hyper and me and mate couldn't be a***d, so had lamb balti, chicken jalfrezi, bombay aloo, bhajis, samosas, naan you name it we had it!! Plus chocolate, plus profiteroles. I feel sick.... Why? Why? I was in control and have now ruined a whole weeks work. :banghead::banghead::banghead: Sent from my GT-I9100 using mobile app

Awww don't be so hard in yourself! Take a deep breath and think what you would say to someone else who posted that same thing. One bad meal in a week doesn't mean the whole week is ruined. Life happens, things don't always go to plan, but it's how you pick yourself up afterwards that matters. You are still in control, you can draw a line under the meal and get straight back on it again, and we will all be your little cheerleaders while you are doing it xx
Good morning hun, I hope you aren't being to hard on yourself this morning. But know you you will be! Here's a line for you, use it wisely and hopefully the scales will still be nice to you in the morning.xx _________________________________________________________

Love this!!
Just blown the whole week:mad:
Had an indian take away we were late getting home from makros hubbys both "merry". Kids all hyper and me and mate couldn't be a***d, so had lamb balti, chicken jalfrezi, bombay aloo, bhajis, samosas, naan you name it we had it!! Plus chocolate, plus profiteroles. I feel sick....
Why? Why? I was in control and have now ruined a whole weeks work. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

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Awww Bubbles, don't worry hun, we all have blips. I've said this many times on here before and I will say it again...failure does not come from falling down, but it comes from not picking ourselves up again. Dust yourself off pick yourself up and you will start losing again hun :). Even if it shows up as a small gain on Monday, (which I don't think it will), don't let that moment define you. You are the person that's lost an amazing 12lbs, that's who your are. You can do this hun ! Staying positive for you always :p !

Kay xx
Im here!! Doing ok. I did feel rough this a.m too oily i can still taste it. Yuck! So i didnt enjoy it like i would have in the past.
Thanx for all you kind words ive drawn my line and have eaten a whole watermelon today already. Cant stop piddleing!!
Still feeling mad/annoyed etc but ill pick myself up again at some point.
Very tearful today, fed up with mum/wife life at moment. Just a little mountain im climbing and had another little slip. Thats another story.
Thanx for support we'll c what happens tomorrow. Wishing for today to be over. Sad really, i can deal with my busy mon-fri routine but struggle at weekends. Maybe i shouldnt have had kids!!!

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Well done for getting back on plan so quickly - and that watermelon will be ur superspeed all in one go!!

I get down sometimes but find when I'm eating healthily there are fewer of those days - but when I fall off the wagon for a longish period - I start to feel sluggish and I have more down days than up - perhaps how u feel today is after last night's takeaway? Perhaps it's time to put ur sexy outfit on and take another look in the mirror??
Night, Night having an early night - can't remember if I said my son, his wife and their LO (aged 2) have been here since Thursday and it's been wonderful to see them but I'm exhausted now! Hope ur ok and feeling a little better - I pop in to 'see' u 2morox
Very tearful today, fed up with mum/wife life at moment. Just a little mountain im climbing and had another little slip. Thats another story.
Thanx for support we'll c what happens tomorrow. Wishing for today to be over. Sad really, i can deal with my busy mon-fri routine but struggle at weekends. Maybe i shouldnt have had kids!!!

Oh no! Now you're starting to sound like me!
I know I don't know you personally, Bubble, but I do know you're a GREAT mum, you do loads for your kids and obviously love them to bits!

I've been feeling like that a lot lately... like I just cannot do everything that needs to be done, and cannot do anything right by my kids. And I get that 'maybe I'm just not cut out to be a mum' feeling.
But today my kids were fun and happy and so lovey and cuddly and when I tucked my wee girl into bed and she said, 'you're the best mummy ever' as she hugged me... *sigh * wow. Why can't everyday be like that?
Anyway, sorry to ramble on and on, but you've given me loads of support on here lately... just want you to know, I hear ya, sister!
Sounds like we could both do with a good girlie shopping/show/cocktails weekend away! :)

Hopefully the food slip-up won't result in a gain (with all your steppage I'd be willing to put money on to say you'll still lose or maybe sts) but well done for getting right back on plan!

Thanx every1.
Im ok - could be a grand explaination to all my emotions, bloody totm comes round a bit nifty doesn't it?
Have been writing all day, (part of the councilling i got was to write things out) I now have a list of fears and failures to work through.
My slimming journey is doing ok, not spectacular but its in my 'ok' pile of worries. I have no deadline and so i will win that battle. I will. Goodnight all. X

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Well done 2 day - hormones raging round our bodies can be a bloody nuisance making us do and think strange things - take care - night, night!
Morning all. Once again im awake at the crack of dawn.
Been thinking about my 3 horrors!
Ive grounded them from all clubs this week. Its hurt me but need to see it through. I just need a little thanx sometimes and they've really took the p this weekend! Am i wrong? Are they too young to understand? My hubby is a great believer in nipping things in the bud but im a bit of a soft touch when it comes to letting them down.
Its not that they are "naughty" as such because tbh they do us soooo proud when out, in sch etc. Everyone comments how polite, clever, grown up they are. Its their attitude to me at the moment. I wouldn't have dreamt saying half the things they do to my parents!! Im finding it hard because, hubby is old sch, (did i mention he's a lot older than me?) I have this bee in my bonnet of not making my parents mistakes with my kids. Kids lives are hard nowadays and they need a friend in parents not people to be afraid of. So i want to be their friend but i also want a little bit of respect/thanx for what i do for them. Am i wrong?
So the rule this week is being picked up from sch, homework, tea, baths, and bed by 7. Its going to kill me. :(
Going to then spend evenings with hubby trying to get an 'us' back again, as we both decided yesterday that we feel we are just existing.
Sorry for the rambling on this is weight loss forum not a councelling session! A happy household means making good choices and i just wish i knew if i was. Oh boy not seeing a way out at the moment...

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Good morning Bubbles.
Yes ground them but please stick to it, don't unground them before their time. I grounded Amy for the first time last week because she had gone to the park and I told her to go to the park, play and straight back but she had gone off her route back to go to a friends so I grounded her for the next day. I felt evil but had to see it through else she would have just done it over and over.
Anyway have you been on the scales yet? I'm sure they wont be that bad.xx
I agree, that is a fine line. I've thought similar things about the way my little girl talks to me, and she's still only five!
It is really important for kids to feel like they have a friend in their mum or dad, but I also really believe they need boundaries, and seeing you stick to your guns this week will earn you some respect, I'm sure!
What do you and your hubby have planned for the evenings?
Lost 1/2lb!

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