The Body Magic Team (formerly exercise bike challenge)

I have just bought an exercise bike - can I join you and how does it all work, how far do I need to go?

Of corse - Welcome along!!!

Set your own target, this week for example I have set myself a target of 70km's as i've had a few weeks off :rolleyes:

I try and do 30mins a night but its weigh in tonight (and my birthday) so a night off perhaps!!!;)
Back from weigh in - Phew, I managed to stay the same!!!

Sorry Aesir - I think it definately was that pizza you know!!! ;-)
Hmmmm one of you obviously spiked me with pizza!!

Karate in an hour I AM ABSOLUTELY BRICKING IT lol. I just know I'm gonna look like the fat git everyone sniggers at aaarrrggghhhh lol
Welcome Karnak

Aesir hope your kick ass night goes well

Happy birthday Lucy xx :birthday:

No body magic for me tonight, too cold and tired.
Got home from work tonight and no heating on and my thermostat was flashing at me, I tried switching everything off and back on of course lots of times and it still didn't work. I then finally realised that the thing that was flashing was a bloody battery warning so I had to take it apart and put some more in, DUR what an idiot I am at times.
Can't get warm now and been cold all day at work.
The best thing to do would be to do some exercise which would warm me up but seeing as I am sulking I am not going to do any exercise hee hee.

Must try harder tomorrow :(
Karate didn't happen. Long, irritating story!

Welcome to the cult Karnak! Please hand over your soul and GET ON THAT EXERCISE BIKE!!!!!!!!!! ;)

Sorry about your hassle Ange. This is the worst time for heating to break! But it'll be better today and you'll be alright to exercise :)

The issues I had last night (if interested, feel free to read 'self confidence' thread in main forum) have made me more determined to lose weight. Moooooore body magic!!!!!
Karate didn't happen. Long, irritating story!

Welcome to the cult Karnak! Please hand over your soul and GET ON THAT EXERCISE BIKE!!!!!!!!!! ;)

Sorry about your hassle Ange. This is the worst time for heating to break! But it'll be better today and you'll be alright to exercise :)

The issues I had last night (if interested, feel free to read 'self confidence' thread in main forum) have made me more determined to lose weight. Moooooore body magic!!!!!

I have read it and have to say I felt a little sad for you as when I was reading it I knew that I too wouldn't of been able to go inside.

I am the worst person when it comes to new places....the other day I was meeting friends at a pub i'd never been too before, I got there 10 mins earlier and waited in my car so I could see them arrive as I didn't want to walk in on my own. Different situation I know but I do feel your pain. Hope you've arranged to try again??

No BM for me tonight again, must try harder tomorrow!!!!
Hey Lucy nice to know I'm not alone! I will definitely be going again, without doubt! Whether it is this karate club or another one I WILL JOIN. But I think I need to lose more weight first. Self esteem is linked with weight I think, at least in my case, and I won't be ready til I lose more I think.

Kettlebell done in lunch break :)
Hope you are feeling better today Aesir. That's one of the reasons that I stopped going out weekends with my friends as I felt very uncomfortable and also probably one of the reasons that I don't do SW in a group as I didn't want to go alone as everyone would look at me.

Years ago I used to be a real fitness fanatic and went to the gym every day and swimming usually every day and sometimes twice. When I stopped the weight piled on and it became harder and harder to go to the gym and anywhere that involves exercise in front of anyone.
I would love to start swimming again but know for a fact that i would need to lose at least another 2 stones before I did any sort of exercise in public. Stupid but its that lack of self confidence and the thought of people looking at me. Sort of defeats the object though doesnt it, not going until the weight is lost when all we want to do is lose weight.

I hope you do gain some more confidence soon enough in order for you to go ahead and do the one thing that you have been looking forward to in a while.

And I still haven't done anymore exercise this week eeeks!!
I think all of us have some sort of body issues, its nice that we can all talk about them though isn't it!

Forgot to update yest that I only managed 11.5km's, Alfie doesn't sleep as long as he used too! I'm glad i've managed some at least, especially after my ummm break shall we call it!

I'm doing a red week over my usual EE in an attempt to boost or get a loss but i've turned into a weighing and therefore grumpy machine!
We treated ourselves to some Salter scales in the sale and man they are giving me some grief!!!! Put it this way, it aint showing no loss!!!!!

I did go over syns last night on bloody rum, it was birthday drinky poo's with hubby though!!
Oooo didn't know it was your bday! Happy bday!! Don't worry about the scales, they may read different to the usual ones. How many days you done red for? Remember to take the full week then weigh, don't count the mid week ones :)

I always forget to update lol. I did kettlebell on Tuesday and Thursday. Both short workouts though. No exercise bike!! Work has been busy lol but gonna try to get on it over the next 3 days. Have hurt my wrist with the kettlebell so gonna leave off it for a bit!

Had my cheat night last night instead of Tuesday. Hope that doesn't harm weigh in on Tuesday!

Glad I'm not alone with the body image issues. I honestly didn't think I was that bad but my reaction at the time really shocked me! Its left me feeling a bit low (though my mood has been off for a while now) so I am going to buy some st johns wort to hopefully put me back on track :)
St Johns wort - What the heck's that when its at home??

Yes it was my bday on wed's, a boring one though so just had a few (too many prob) rum and coke's last night - Hubby's Fault!!!!

Been doing red since tues and plan on doing red until wed's weigh in and then EE and then a week of green, just to see what the 3 weeks show on the scales, a bit of a challenge you know?!?

So' im off for a buffet at my Dads at 12, yikes i'm worried about all the food!! I've hopefully prepared well though, had a free sw full breakfast so i'm not going there hungry and hopefully just make the right choices!!!

Perhaps a good thrash on the bike later will make me feel better after a few buffet treats anyway!!
Its a herbal mood enhancer lol. Not been feeling right lately and would rather try a herbal product than go on antidepressants!

Defo exercise bike tonight, and rower, since I accidentally ate 8 fox's biscuits :(
You've made me feel better by admitting about the biscuits!

I'm back from the buffet - I had 2 white rolls, one with beef and one with turkey with a bit of mustard and cranberry. I had half a scotch egg, some pickles and 2 small sausages.

I had no pudding and there was loads and cheese and crackers which I resisted. Bit gutted that I drank 2 bottles of coke, which whilst drinking even said "Oh coke tastes so much nicer out of a bottle" Yeah love thats because it wasn't diet!!!! Grrrr I hate wasting syns like that!!!

I'm writing that meal off anyhow and starting a fresh tonight.

Having homemade extra lean burgers and a cabbage salad. Yummy!!!!!
Hi all,

Just checking in to say i've managed to do 20km's today, taking me to 81.5 for the week (8 days), going to start a new week as from tomorrow.

Have a lovely Sun afternoon!!!
Hi all,

Just checking in to say i've managed to do 20km's today, taking me to 81.5 for the week (8 days), going to start a new week as from tomorrow.

Have a lovely Sun afternoon!!!

Ha ha I like 8 day weeks.

Well done :D