The Countdown Has Begun...

Your both mean with your actifry stories ;). I see it even has its own iPhone app x

Really???! Wowzers... I'm so getting that one!!!!
Pmsl I'm downloading it as I type....maybe you can join the club next week Marie?:cool:
I better be in the club next week. Was slebbering watching you tube demos. Dunno why I torture myself x

Think my favourite at the moment is swede chips... Bit of spray oil and lots of salt... There delicious...
I better be in the club next week. Was slebbering watching you tube demos. Dunno why I torture myself x

Lol you'd better stock up on swede and all sorts so you can go crazy next week...who needs nights out in cool hip places when you can live the dream with a new actifry eh? Lol x:cool:
Ooooh reaj chips. With lots of vinegar. Have you made them for your OH yet?x

Oh yummy....that's my kinda chips....I daren't make him proper chips in case I scoff them....deadly serious too....really can't trust myself craving crisp this week...dunno but I want mcccoys crisps so bad!

OMG just realised I go on holiday 8-9 weeks....can I really shift another 2 stone in that time? Panic stations!!! Xx
You'll have 2 stones off for your holiday no bother. Your really focused. Think how gorgeous you'll look in all your summer clothes :) x
You'll be able to get 2 stone off for sure!! :)
I'm desperately trying to justify getting one of these actifrys! X
You'll be able to get 2 stone off for sure!! :) I'm desperately trying to justify getting one of these actifrys! X

I can't speak highly enough of mine! :)
You'll have 2 stones off for your holiday no bother. Your really focused. Think how gorgeous you'll look in all your summer clothes :) x

Awww thanks Marie....fingers crossed i can stick to plan!!! can't wait to wear my summer clothes in December/ will be a good progress terrified that nothing but the maxi dresses will fit again....sick to death of hiding under them....I wanna strut my stuff in smaller clothes...minus the actifry as an accessory as it will be too hot over there in the tropical sun lol. Xx
You'll be able to get 2 stone off for sure!! :)
I'm desperately trying to justify getting one of these actifrys! X

Thank you Sammy :D

bit panicked coz I have a weekend in Madrid at the start of Dec for OH's birthday and I can't imagine being on the packs and booze free for that....scared i will fall off the wagon massively and blow the wheels off and never get back on lol.

i think you should go for it and get one....I've dithered for over a year and thanks to cheeky chick expressing such joy at the swede chips made in there and not in the oven...I am glad I invested in's been my highlight purchase this year!!
Aww Madrid is lovely. It'll be quite mild too but chilly in the evenings from what I remember! I went a few years ago for my hubby's birthday in December too!!
Tapas is pretty good and Champagne has very low carbs ;)
Even if you are a bit naughty in Madrid the packs will undo it in a few days ;).
Sammy I'm dying for an actifry too. Are you also being teased with the actifry stories? It is fairly expensive tho. At this time of year. Tho Argos have then for 119 just now. Also wonder if I would just make chips in it :0 x
Aww Madrid is lovely. It'll be quite mild too but chilly in the evenings from what I remember! I went a few years ago for my hubby's birthday in December too!!
Tapas is pretty good and Champagne has very low carbs ;)

December babies all round!

Madrid is lovely isn't it? I took him for his birthday last year and this year he asked to go again...easy present purchase on my part :)

Ahhhh yes champagne...I love them bubbles....and as for tapas...I could live off tapas easily....going to Barcelona for my hen do next year for those reasons!

im craving tapas at the moment actually....though I don't know how to have tapas without patatas bravas somewhere in the! Lol xx
Maybe you could actifry some swede into potatas bravas!!

Yes Marie I'm being teased but I honestly don't know how I'd fit it into my teeny kitchen. Can't believe I'd never heard of them before!!
Will see how I get on low carbing after this diet and maybe see if they have them in the sales in the new year! Xx
Even if you are a bit naughty in Madrid the packs will undo it in a few days ;).
Sammy I'm dying for an actifry too. Are you also being teased with the actifry stories? It is fairly expensive tho. At this time of year. Tho Argos have then for 119 just now. Also wonder if I would just make chips in it :0 x

Lets hope so...can't be doing with being detailed completely with only 2 weeks before my main holiday...fingers crossed!

i told you I'm scared to make chips in my new toy....scared I will scoff the lot haha!