So I trotted off to the shops earlier today to hunt down some bacon thanks to cheeky chick bringing me such wonderful news last night that we''re actually allowed it! So my craving for chicken Caesar salad has been was lush! Home made sauce (watched to carb count) and I honestly could have eaten it all day long! im feeling surprisingly upbeat considering I only lost 1.4lbs this week....I even went and bought some new (cheap) clothes to tide me through the weightloss but most importantly keep me warm during the alleged Baltic winter we''re due to have...I was very chuffed to find that I can again fit in size L instead of XL in H&M today....albeit it was leggings and tunic tips but it was pleasing to me

just made OH. Lovely red Thai curry from scratch for his packed lunch tomorrow with coconut rice and lots of veggies....have even prepped/marinated the teriyaki beef that I'll make him for Thursday's pack lunch...I even planned and marinated some salmon for tomorrow night's baked salmon and stir fry dinner....what's happened to me????? haha!