Now I remember not so long ago a certain person laughed when I said 'Buy a size 20 tunic for your holiday'

and I'm not normally one to say I told you so but

Go for it, I don't mind

Awaken Me said:
Are you like me and look at smaller clothes thinking 'There is now way I'll fit into that' and stand there gobsmacked when it fits?
yes, very much so. I had a size 20 grandad style shirt delivered the other day and whilst it's a bit tight, it's not far off!! I made myself as small as possible when putting the 22 holiday top over my head as I thought I would get it stuck over my head and then kept thinking, it's over my head....and my will get stuck at my hips....nope, it's over my hips as well
cazzabella - thankyou

I still keep thinking that something bit will happen in my life to stop me in my tracks and I'm trying to stop the negativity that has always underlined weight loss in the past (ie I MUST lose x pounds this week, which just isn't always possible, and then get down, then eat, then feel guilty etc etc)
Well, I lost 5 pounds this week

Total of 70 pounds or exactly 5 stone in 13 weeks. I'm now 18 stone 10 pounds. I still, in a way don't 'see' it though in myself, weird.
I bought my next bead for my bracelet. I bought a celtic knot design for the year I spent working in Dublin. Events at the end of my time there were lifechanging and I have a very fond place in my heart for the country and the path events then led me to.
I have been thinking though - I still need to lose another 6 or 7 stone, so another 12-14 beads......I'm running out of ideas for beads which represent me!!
OH was in good form last night. I got him to agree to an hour in the pub (we haven't been out together for years, literally other than holiday) and I was good and had 2 pints of lime and soda

I wanted mineral water but they didn't have any!!!
Whilst there, he 'told' me I had to lose another 2 stone before holiday, which is in 4 weeks. I said I was looking to lose 1 stone in that time and got the scornful 'what a loser' look. I then said I was looking forward to eating on holiday (I'd bought him a bag of nuts at the bar which triggered the comment). I've decided to try to be careful. I'll eat whatever I choose for breakfast (it's an apartment so will be me buying from the supermarket), then we don't normally have lunch so I might take some CD bars with me and then a light dinner such as a chicken salad or something similar in the evening. I don't drink alcohol during the day so it will be water until the evening and it's usually 'we're only going out for a couple' from him, so I won't be having more than 1 or 2 and I'll probably stick to vodka with diet coke or rose wine. I know I will put something on because I've only been on 400-odd calories over the last 13 weeks but it will fall off easily when I go back on CD on my return.
His reply was 'you aren't eating on holiday'. I smiled sweetly and said yes I was, but he was adamant I wasn't. Apparently I will put on loads of weight on holiday and then put even more on when I'm back. I said not - I have it all planned. I then got a whinging tirade of 'oh, you have to have everything planned, don't you, down to the enth degree'.
'Yep' I grinned. That's why I know I won't put loads on when I get back !!
I was also told that I 'have' to get to a size 10. I said I didn't want to be that slim and with my shape/height, a 10 would be very unlikely anyway. I was then told 'ok, a 12'. So I politely informed him that I am choosing what weight I want to be and the dress size I want to be. I said that as I am hour glass shaped (I have a very defined waist in comparison to my chest/hips) that would be why I didn't want to be a size 10 as it wouldn't be my 'shape'.
Hour glass? He're not hour glass're orange shaped........he said and then drew the outline of an orange on the table with his fingers.......
I just looked at him ...........