The Fat Bus Drivers 3months 100% TS program

Day 22: Week 3 WI results 15st 9lbs. Dow. From 16st 7lbs in week 2 where i slipped up. That's a result i can't complain about. I think the fact that i restarted ketosis kick my system into shock again. Smiles all round. 1 more week to go them i can re order and change things up a little with exante.
Hi, is that 12 lbs lost in week 3 ?!?! Wow that's amazing!! Well done you!!
Do you think the slip up last week actually helped you lose that much weight this week?? Just wondering about the whole cheat meal theory?
Once again, well done!! Xx
Hi naz, I think the jumping off and then back on the ketosis helped as my body went back into shock and I pushed hard on my cardio this week until my joints are now hurting. Once thing about the meal replacement diet is that i think is that your less likely to slip up on the diet if you keep cardio to a max of 30mins a day for 4 days a week. Where as Im doing 1hr 30min - 2hrs 4/5days a week my body can't repair or recover quick enough on the exalted shakes alone. If you eat the wrong things its creates drama on the scales so i stuck with fish, chicken or beef. High protein low carbs. So that the protein can help repair the body
Another thing I have to avoid is lifting heavy weights as that sends my metabolism sky high as my body screams from protein. And so the 100% total solution starts to turn into a working solution on some days.
Im considering changing to the working solution once my month is up. As my finding the total solution 100% strict is unsustainable with my daily activities. Still i must admit the 100% TS did kick start me off and Im feeling and looking alot better than i did when i first started.
Wow, that's some serious weight loss........... mind you, with the amount of work you do in the gym I guess your losses will be higher than average. Just goes to show, working hard gets the results! Well done you:Dxx
Good afternoon Nehemiahz. Wow! You're doing amazing, well done both with the weight loss and the gym :hug99: xx
Thank you all for your encouraging posts and replys. I have now set myself a new target of 15st 4/5lbs or lower by next week Thursday morning which is 1 day before my week 4 WI. As i will be travelling to the Devon coast for a weekend away. The diet over them 4 days Im away will be down to me and i need to eat clean and healthy untll i return. So a good test after 4 weeks of exante. Lets hope i can hit the target or even smash it.
Day 23: Had a lazy start today mainly rested. Bar for breakfast shake for lunch and i got a strawberry coffee shake lines up for dinner as Im working late tonight... Going to try alot more jogging this week as opposed to hill walking or fast paced walking. Im considering doing a marathon for charity while i work on my weight goals. Need to do a little more investigation then i will run or cycle a few but i really want to do the London Marathon which by my surprise seems full already but there are a few spaces left so lets hope i can get a squeeze and make a difference in someone elses life while i work on making mine a healthy one.
Wow you are doing so well with all that exercise too!!! I never have the time, but now thinking I need to try & make time or I'm going to end up flabby lol!! Keep at it, you're doing great :)
Day 25: Had a bar for breakfast (nut & raisin) with water. Im finding Im getting a minor heart burn when i eat the bars?? Is that normal or just me??... Went to the gym today, focused on treadmill and a 2000meter row for 10mins as they say the rowing machine is good for the under arms and the chest area. My lower body (waist, hip, legs) have skimmed right down and now the stomach has started restarting even more. Going to spend the last few days of my month diet on the under arms and abs areas. Get them lbs shifting. Also its good to shock your body into something new as i think i have gotten so adapted to the treadmill that it not a challenge anymore 1hr 1100kcals is no longer a fight so Im going to do more rowing and cross training to attack that upper flab. How everyone coping so far ??? Keep it going guys
Day 26: No gym today.. :-( I guess my body does need a rest. Going to have an hours stroll to the school and back then off to work later. A very relaxed day planned. No stress no rush just easy going.
Day 26 (pm): energy level are really low. At work struggling to keep alert. In situations like this it would normally be a red bull or a monster energy drink... But the bottled water i have has been playing games on my imagination... About half a litre left to drink before the day is out. Really finding to hard to stomach. And oh my not to mention the rear wind that follows every gulp. Sniff sniff!! Lol
Day 27: Feeling a little dragged. But managed to get to the gym for 2hrs and do 1hr on the treadmill (1008 kcals) then the last hour on abs crutches and triceps. 1 more day of exante and i will be taking a 4 day break (thurs,Fri,sat and Sun) as i will be away on vacation. Im more than likely to be taken out of ketosis over these says even if Im careful with my diet and what i eat. So come Monday it back on TS 100%. From my last experiences it may do my weight loss target a kick up the arse. As it seems the greatest losses are made when the body enters into ketosis (1st 6/8days) so lets see if the shock works. No gym for 4 days either so that will be interesting. How everyone getting on?
Day 28: My last day of Exante Yesterday went rather well. Only had two meal replacements for some strange reason I just was not hungry. Maybe its the excitement that Im going away for a long deserved break this weekend. I have made up my mind that come Monday whennim back from my 4 day break i will do a further 10 days of 100% TS and then i will be leaving the program as Im slimming to the stage where i would like to start going a little heavier on the weight training in which the 100% TS program is unsustainable die to the high amount of protein i need for muscle growth. Im aiming to hit a target of 14st 8/9lbs. And then will change up my work out.
Nehm, You are doing sooooo well!! The amount of workout you are doing with exante.....:worthy: I am planning to build up to working out for an hour,and then increase intensity and also add weight,atm I am just doing light body weight toning exercises. All your hard work is paying offf!!
Hope you have a fantastic break! xx
Day 33: Back from my 4 day break in Devon and on TS 100%. I did not manage to to a week 4 WI but on the basis of week 3 WI i have gained a few pounds Im now 15st 11lbs. Which is expected as i did eat a good amount while i was away but found i struggle to eat large amounts. After having a full English breakfast i found my self still not hungry come 4/5pm so a 3 course dinner at 6/7pm was a struggle for me. Feeling confident about this week. Im on exante till Friday and then i will make my mind up from there if i should do another month. As Im thinking to now focus on my body fats levels as oppossed to the scales as with muscles growth it can be confusing in the scales when you look in the mirror and still strinking.
Day 34: Yesterday was hard. Harsh head pains as a normal shock drinking loads yesterday and today. Feeling gittery and faint. Still failed to visit the gym today yet again. :-( need to get there before Friday before i get into the habit of laziness :-(