The First Diary of Trudy C age 40 something!

Hahaha have you got a greenhouse ?????? Just thinking out of the box or buy tons, blanch and freeze, blanch and freeze sounds like a cha cha cha lol
I don't know Chris - is it or not??? seems to be less of it around in the supermarket and getting a bit wrinkly!!! LOL - like all of us!!! x
So another glorious day today - the sun was shining all day long and it was great to be back to just working the horses after my teaching week - I didn't have to talk to anyone, just the horses!! LOL!!!! I rode three horses which was lovely but I was muscle tired after it. Finished in good time to collect Ben and head out to a four year olds party!!! When I got there they told me I was two hours late and thank goodness they had stopped for an ice cream as the party was 12 - 2!!!!! I had completely forgotten the time change but the boys were all up for another walk so off we traipsed around the woods which was great fun and when we got back to base I treated them all to another ice cream which the birthday boy thought was great!!! Just a perfect day to be out and about!!! Got home in time to have some dinner, bath and bed!!!! Lovely!
Gonna see if I can find a dress for this dinner thing next Sat - gonna trawl the charity shops on Monday - my dad is dropping in for a visit so he and Ben can have some quality time while I go shopping!
Anyway, enough waffling -
PP day
B - 2 muffins
L - mince flan/ turkey
D - turkey/chicken chilli/garlic/dukan BBQ sauce/ 2 muffins

Might have a wee bit tofu creme later if I am hungry but fairly contented for now!!!!
Had such a lovely afternoon yesterday with Ben - was great fun. Last day of working week for me - looking forward to day off tomorrow - not sure what time Grandad appearing but probably early!!! Attached is Ben (on the right at the end) enjoying the said party!!!


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Trudy what a little cutie x
Aint he a cutie :D

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He can be cute but not all the time!!! LOL
Tried to post three times tonight but stupid internet playing up so now I have lost the will to type it all again!!!
PP day
B - 2 muffins
L - turkey/chicken with dukan bbq sauce
D - mince flan/ 2 muffins/ tofu creme

WI tomorrow but not feeling thinner so we will c!!!! Nite nite! x
Another 2 lbs gone this week - v v happy!!! Looking forward to a PV day now....................... My Dad visiting today so gonna make up some tofu cheesecake and a bns/celeraic cottage pie with veg for dinner!! He is always gobsmacked with the lovely food that he eats at my house on Dukan but sadly it hasn't motivated him to lose any weight!!!! It's very frustrating as he has already had a triple by pass and really should lose a couple of stone at least but he drives for a living so always has his hand in the sweetie bag!! Told him recently that I am gonna nag him this time till he loses some weight as his siblings are all dying of weight/smoking related illnesses and he will not be far behind unless he takes control of his health!!!! Poor Dad!
Lost my temper yesterday for the first time in ages - doesn't happen very often - girls had been downright lazy and not checked the field water troughs so we had 6 v dehydrated horses as my boss had forgotten to turn the field water back on last week after doing a repair!!!! I was soooooo angry, poor horses especially in the heat this week!!! GRRRRRRR - they all took it on the chin though and don't think it will happen again!!!!
Ben off to pre-school this morning whilst I try and get a dress for this dance thing!!!! Thought I had found the perfect top but I looked like an American Football player thanks to the lovely shoulder pads!!! LOL!!!
Have a great day everyone! x
Young ladies I know the feeling Trudy.

Brilliant - 2 a few more of them eh not long before the 3rd stage! A colleague friend has kindly brought in a few tops for me to borrow for Holland she said its daft rushing around buying new clothes rather than taking my time - Ah, I work with some lovely lovely people x
Chris, only two days to go, you must be getting excited - even with your students in tow. How special are your friends??? Just lovely and nice to have some 'new' clothes to go away with. Don't think I am gonna go into conso when and if I get to the weight Dr Dukan set me as I will still be classed as overweight and I really don't want that. When I started this journey I NEVER expected to get this far and now a lower weight does seem achievable but we will see - small steps, small steps!!! LOL!
At last managed to get a decent dress for Saturday - cost me £15 from a charity shop but hey ho, I feel good in it and it is suitably flashy for a performer in the 1930's!!! Now just gotta get practising a bit more!!! LOL! Also bought a dress for one of my girls, OMG I wanna have a flat tummy and be a size 10 - got her a silk dress from china with beautiful embroidery and beading - simply stunning - for £6.95!!!!! I WANNA WEAR IT!!! LOL!
Dad came for a visit and was gobsmacked by the difference in me - he hasn't seen me since before Christmas so I guess there is a bit of a difference! He couldn't stay over so changed my dinner plan from this morning!!!!
Have rehearsal three nights this week, tonight, Tues, and Thurs, so gonna be a busy one - loving being a nun - it is hilarious!!!
Anyway a lovely PV day after WI and as usual feel like I have eaten myself out of house and home!
B - omelette with ham/mushroom/tomato/cucumber
L - steak/carrot/cabbage/ 2 muffins
D - chicken/salad/2 muffins

Also had a lovely skinny latte - my Monday treat - lovely food day!!!!!
T ive found silken tofu at Waitrose - knew I would - will attempt to make the pud tomorrow night if I get time :) :) :) just hope I like it!
Yay CHRIS that's great, remember to chill it first tastes much better!
Busy day today and rushing around!!! Only just made it by the skin of my teeth to my doc appointment which I waited two weeks for to get my hand injected for carpal tunnel, sadly he said next step is surgery which will probably be unavoidable!!! We will c!!!
Weather a bit dull which was boring but could have been worse!!!!
Dull PP day too - is dull word of the day!! Lol!

B - 2 muffins
L - mince flan
D - mince flan/ ham/ 2 muffins/tofu creme
hubby was at the physio today and he has the equivilant of carpal tunnel in his ankle..... cant remember wahts he said it was named lol.... hes a bit meh about it as he needs to train for his french cycle race
Ouch that doesn't sound fun especially with the cycle coming up. X