Gold Member
Right to be worried Mrs R - having a few issues with myself still!!! LOL! Gave in to an unplanned unecessary Gala meal on Monday - we ended up in Cosmos in Swansea which was like the land of heavenly food - to be fair I didn't just pig out but I did have exactly what I wanted including a selection of mini desserts, and another on Tuesday this week which has annoyed me - because it wasn't planned on Monday, I also ate the house out when I got back because I was cross with myself...... Tuesday's was more controlled and no binging after but................. who am I kidding........ - off to the USA on Sunday and really do want to be in control for the week I am away in the land of food and massive portions - gonna be hot in Kentucky so I am hoping that I sweat it off whilst I am working!!!! We will see!!! Today is a new day (and its peeing down)and a new start........ not gonna over react and do cruise again - will do PP day tomorrow as planned but stick to conso otherwise!!!!