The First Diary of Trudy C age 40 something!

Great news Trudy, come on how much did you put on........
Forgive me ladies for I have truly sinned!!! Didn't even manage one day of good food before the slippery slope of junk food hit the system and sent me loopy!!! Not helped by the fact that we never stopped for meals so was grabbing food on the go all the time - that in turn made me feel bad about what I was doing so then I started binging BIG time!!! Have paid the price with a huge weight gain - clothes were even getting too tight in the last day or so!!!! Disappointed in myself and scared too....... Back home last night - a day late as the flight was delayed and missed my connection - finished off the holiday with a Dominos as my final goodbye to the junk..... Made time for Sainsburys this morning and loaded up on meat and fish ready to start back on attack today - gonna try to do it for three days and then back onto cruise until I get to TW again..... This is exactly what 'I do', sooooo determined to break the cycle but need my MM friends behind me PLEASE - if I go backwards now I will be back to 20stone before I know it!!! My brain feels mentally strong atm so fingers crossed!!!! What a wally I am!!! LOL!

We are here to support you all the way, you have made the leap back into the plan now lets get ready to rumble!! You have had your holiday, now your home and time to get back into routine, it wont take long, it only took a couple of week to put the weight on, surely it wont take too long to get off. xx
Collette is right, it takes the same time to Get it off as it does to put it on. But you know that Trudy, you've done fabulous and A inspiration to all of us . Come on were all behind you xxx
No diary update possible yesterday as 'out of range' in internet desert!!!!
Good day yesterday even though we were busy and had lots of visitors who ate lots of naughty food in front of me!!!!
B - 2 muffins
L - salmon and prawns with soy, ginger, garlic, chilli
D - chicken/ 2 muffins
Our big Championship Show today and sooooo tired, every muscle hurts and my feet too!!!! Had a great day with my baby horse - well he is 7 but never done anything, he did soooo well at his first show away from home - he did three classes and had a second, fourth and sixth!!! The last class was big and he beat much more experienced horses which was nice. Our hunter mare won the Supreme Performance Championship and I beat my boss in the Grand Harness Championship - WOOOO HOOO!!! We took seven and they were all stars - soooo lucky to have them!
B - 2 eggs
L - bacon (all fat removed)/ 2 eggs/ 2 muffins
D - chicken breast/ 2 muffins
Very pleased with myself for sticking with the plan when I was sooo tired..... Girls ate so much choccy today it's a wonder they are not 20 stone!!!! Off to the last HOYS qualifier tomorrow - not a hope to get it but will have fun trying - must turn in as up at five to get there in time!!! Can't wait to catch up with my MM friends when I get a mo! xxx
I don't know anything about horses, but that sounds like a good day. What a fab job you have, I think most people would call that a Hobby xxx
Agree Siddid but flippin hard work at times!!!! LOL....
Well after winning the Supreme Harness Championship yesterday I came stone last in the class today!!! You gotta laugh - my horsey was AMAZING and everyone else thought so too apart from the judge who said she looked nervous!!! Ah well soooo happy with her and our other horsey so well worth the five o'clock start!
Stuck to plan today but stupidly tired, have decided to surprise my Mum with a visit tomorrow as forgot her birthday on Sat thanks to our big show so another early start as it is a three hour drive - I rang to see if she would be in tomorrow and said I had a package being delivered for her birthday between 10am and 1pm - can't wait to see her face when she sees Ben and I are the package!!!
B - 2 muffins
L - ham/ crayfish/ crab
D - chicken and prawns with soy/ginger/garlic/ 2 muffins
Can't believe that Ben starts school on Tuesday - time has flown by!!!!! xxx
Great surprise for your mam, and ben starting school...hell love it. Have a great day tomorrow and great you stuck to Dukan xx
Ah what a lovely package T, your Mum will be chuffed.
Another chapter starts for Ben and Mum - I couldn't stop whingeing when my son started school I just kept saying to MrR 'he will be sixteen before we know it' and he was. have a great day today and catch up soon I hope xxx
hope your mum likes her "package" :D well done on getting back in the zone
have decided to surprise my Mum with a visit tomorrow as forgot her birthday on Sat thanks to our big show so another early start as it is a three hour drive - I rang to see if she would be in tomorrow and said I had a package being delivered for her birthday between 10am and 1pm - can't wait to see her face when she sees Ben and I are the package!!!

Blooming fabulous! Would love to see the look on your mum's face :D

P x
Awwwww mum sooooo surprised! Magic! Weighed today and lost 9lbs!!!!! Can now tell u all I put on 12lbs in 9 days!!!!! So another 3 to go!!!! The USA food was not good to me!!!!!
Decided to have celebration meal with mum for her birthday but will continue with pp days for another few days before returning to conso!!!!!
So food today:-
B - ham and mushroom omelette/ skinny latte
L - houmous/pitta/ coronation chicken sandwich/ small serving of lasagne (part of bens lunch) small slice choc cake/ glass of champagne

Perfect Prezzy, bet your mam was so pleased, best prezzy you could have given her xxx and congratulations on getting 9lb of that 3 will be gone next week xxx
aww her face is a picture
So Ben started school today and thanks to my completely ditzy brain was the only child sporting a red sweatshirt and blue polo instead of the other way around - another quick trip to Sainsburys to get the right stuff so tomorrow will hopefully be right!!! Poor child has not a hope with me around! He seemed to enjoy his day but didn't want to talk about it!!!! Happy though!
VVVV tired today from the weekend and all the driving - did loads in the office today but may have done some stuff wrong as brain not properly in gear!!! Had a good food day though!
B - 2 muffins
L - mackerel/cottage cheese/ balsamic/ ham
D - steak/ onion sauce/ ham/ 2 muffins/ cream cheese icing
Off to sleep as!!!
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At that age they don't tell you much, as long as he's happy. Great food day Trudy xxx you not singing lately? Night night x
poor child he will have a complex now :p

glad your back on the wagon.... im trying to stay away from the fridge now hubbys in bed.... im due TOTM arghhhhh
Well early night went a bit haywire as the electricity went off at 10pm- I would have been quite happy to leave it but two neighbours were still up and didn't have a clue what to do - half an hour later we were sorted but Ben had woken up whilst I was out fixing it and was crying his eyes out, ended up with him in my bed which = no sleep and a child kissing your face at five in the morning to wake you up!!! HMMMMM!
Second day of school started with the right uniform but a mix up over wellies for Forest School this morning meant whizzing home to get him some and another late start!!!! LOL - I might get the hang of it in a week or so............
Really missing my veggies now so I think the PP run has come to an end and I am gonna treat myself to some lovely carrot and swede and maybe a stirfry!!!!!!! Made choccy muffins last night - ohhhh they were delicious!