No diary update possible yesterday as 'out of range' in internet desert!!!!
Good day yesterday even though we were busy and had lots of visitors who ate lots of naughty food in front of me!!!!
B - 2 muffins
L - salmon and prawns with soy, ginger, garlic, chilli
D - chicken/ 2 muffins
Our big Championship Show today and sooooo tired, every muscle hurts and my feet too!!!! Had a great day with my baby horse - well he is 7 but never done anything, he did soooo well at his first show away from home - he did three classes and had a second, fourth and sixth!!! The last class was big and he beat much more experienced horses which was nice. Our hunter mare won the Supreme Performance Championship and I beat my boss in the Grand Harness Championship - WOOOO HOOO!!! We took seven and they were all stars - soooo lucky to have them!
B - 2 eggs
L - bacon (all fat removed)/ 2 eggs/ 2 muffins
D - chicken breast/ 2 muffins
Very pleased with myself for sticking with the plan when I was sooo tired..... Girls ate so much choccy today it's a wonder they are not 20 stone!!!! Off to the last HOYS qualifier tomorrow - not a hope to get it but will have fun trying - must turn in as up at five to get there in time!!! Can't wait to catch up with my MM friends when I get a mo! xxx