think I need to take a step back, reread the books and begin from scratch this week. i did lose a pound, but my numbers should really be bigger than they have been the past few weeks.
I had a re-read over breakfast yesterday, didn't seem to help much

How've you found it? I know you're pushing the superfree, that's probably the best way to do it! And I know you like your toasts at night - that was one of the first things I gave up and now I miss bread so much :cry: May have to pick up a little wholemeal loaf on my way home and treat myself after WI if I get my sticker

actually now that you've said that, it must be the joining of this group rather than me not following the diet which is the issue, lol

You'll know if it's our fault if the same thing happens in the third week of October! xxx
Well, whilst we're on the subject of periods, my missing one has arrived. And it's WI tonight, so wish me luck ....
Congratulations! I'm beyond caring about mine anymore - infact, went and got some medication to delay it because I wanted a pain-free weekend. Doc said once I stop taking it, my period should come within 3 days... Let's see... xxx
I think I should give up on these challenges, I'm clearly rubbish at them. 0.5lb gain this week. Ooops!
Don't give uppp! Challenges don't really do you any harm

I'm sure you can kick-start big losses again by trying something different this week... Go for a run every day while the sun is gracing us with it's presence! I would totally go out for one right now (sat in uni library and AC is on FULL BLAST - f*cking freeeeeeezing) but got my nice skinnies on and ballerina pumps that have already given me blisters from my 5km walk in!
So gutted - came in for fresher's fair (I missed it last year, stupid me, I was ill

) and it turns out it's actually tomorrow/Thursday for MMU! But I guess I will now be coming in tomorrow aswell and most probably walking here! It's like UoM fresher's staff knew I wasn't part of their crew, they didn't give me any of the good flyers

The best I got was free pizza flyer from Dominos... I put it down on a random box about 30 seconds after I took it off the guy - too much tempation!
Better luck for next week babe - actually, let me PM you... xxx
Hello!! I'm back from holiday! I see that you've all been losing lots since I've been gone, so well done everyone!
Its WI tomorrow for me, so I will update then. It looks promising according to the Wii scales, but who knows what the demon slimming world scales will say?
I add my salute to 10st10lbs, who is great! xx
Hello! Welcome back! You have been missed
Good luck for WI - you know how I feel about your Wii but I am happy for you as a potential loss on a wonky scale is ALWAYS more motivational than a mini-gain/STS.
Thank yoiu

10st10lbs has been rather naughty over the weekend but is back on track, trying out Success Express so I can nab the 1.5st sticker on Thursday! xxx
Lost 2.5lb this week and got sotw so was well chuffed xx
Aww yay, well done! Has your constipation sorted itself out now? xxx
A miserable half a pound off

Soooooo hacked off. I'm going to Menorca on Friday morning for a long weekend (and don't even get me started on the weather forecast

So I have utterly failed in this challenge - I wanted 7lb, thought that was reasonable, and have achieved 1.5lb.
I have kept an eye out for a food diary of yours on here - not come across anything. If you can find the time, keep one between now and Friday, and approach SW with a fresh mind once you come back. Weigh yourself now, if you can, and then push push push your superfree foods until Friday, drink lots of water and please please please share a diary on here. You never know, we might just be able to help you
Please don't feel that you have failed - you really haven't. The slower you lose the weight, the longer you will be able to keep it off. That's what I have been told a gazillion times and I will continue to believe it. Hun, try Success Express for a couple of days, I started a thread on it a few days ago and got lots of good advice and a lot of help - I did it ENTIRELY wrong the first day and then totally gave up but then all this help I got really motivated me and today you couldn't even tempt me with a great big juicy quarter pounder beef burger with double cheese and mayo and ketchup, and yes lots of lettuce and onions and cucumber, only cause I'm weird, but also a huge portion of fries on the side with LOADSSSS of mayo and ketchup and salt all over it! My mouth has not watered at all, and I'm quite looking forward to my homemade soup with tomatoes, baked beans, potatoes, leeks, celery and carrots! xxx