The journey continues!

The fridge now has a sign that say 'WALK AWAY, YOU DON'T NEED TO EAT ANYTHING',

I think I need to get one of these on my fridge ;)
Love it :)

Congrats on STS :happy096:
Very excellent :)
It's been another good day and I've stuck to WS, well TS but with a slice of cheese :)

I think I'm going to do Beck day 27 again, with one of my other sabotaging thoughts, as I found yesterday really helpful.

So, my sabotaging thought is:
I can't control my eating if there is an open packet of biscuits / box of chocolates etc

1 - What kind of thinking error could I be making?
Exaggeration - I tell myself that I can't possibly control myself in that situation.
Also a little 'all or nothing' Once I've eaten the first biscuit / chocolate, I can sometimes convince myself, that given I've eaten one, it's no different whether I have 1 or 21, as I've blown the diet. (I think I'm getting a bit better at identifying this one and stopping earlier than I used to!)

2 - What evidence is there that this thought might not be true or not completely true?
Well, clearly I can control myself in a lot of situations, and in other areas of my life. I've had the control to lose 7 stone already, so I clearly can control what I put in my mouth. I am able to control myself when the packet of biscuits / box of chocolates is unopened / in the cupboard. There are lots of other occasions when I don't do things I want to do, or where I do things that I don't really want to do.

3 - What's an alternative explanation or another way of viewing this?
That I can control myself, but in the biscuit or chocolate situation I choose not to.

4 - What's the most realistic outcome?
When I tell myself 'NO CHOICE', mean it and believe it, then I can quite happily sit next to an open packet of biscuits without being tempted.

5 - What's the effect of believing this thought and what could be the effect of changing my thinking?
If I believe that I'm not in control, I can easily eat an awful lot of biscuits or chocolates, I will feel terrible afterwards for slowing down my weight loss, coming out of ketosis and I'll feel lethargic and sluggish. I'll also have to go through the few days of getting back into ketosis and probably set my diet back by a week. If I change my thinking and resist the call of biscuits and chocolates, I will get to the end of my weight loss journey quicker, and I will be better prepared for resisting the call of things like this once I'm back onto a more normal eating plan.

6 - What would I tell my friend if she were in this situation and had this thought?
I'd tell her that if she wanted to, of course she could control herself, that there is nothing magical about an open packet that means she has to break her plan and respond. I'd also tell her that I wouldn't want her to slow down her diet, and feel bad because of one or more biscuits or chocolates.

7 - What should I do?
Hmm, much like yesterday, Tell myself 'NO CHOICE', walk away from the biscuits / chocolates or put them out of sight, ask myself if I'm actually hungry, or whether a drink of water is what would actually help me feel better.

I think my short version for today is:
Yes, I can control myself if I want to. I will continue to choose 'NO CHOICE' when faced with the lure of biscuits and chocolates.

Wow, I feel quite relieved having written out that one today. I think I will print it out and reread it several times, but it does feel like it could be possible to resist these things that I've stumbled over so many times before this diet. It's one of my fears for when I reach my goal weight, how do I stop giving in to cravings that have got me into this mess in the first place. This is starting to feel like a way that I can rewire my brain to respond in a way that I choose and really want to, rather than just react in a self-destructive way.

Hmmmm, exciting :D
You are doing great hun. Well done on a
Beck day 28, this one's a bit of a non-event for me, getting ready for weigh-in. I feel pretty good about weigh-in days, and don't feel I particularly change my behaviour around Saturdays. I think I'll go on and do day 29 today as well.

Oooh, week 5 of Beck, this one is about overcoming challenges.
Today is 'resist food pushers', this could be good!

Actually, reading the day, I think this is one I've already started to get better at. I know for many years I found it impossible to consider my needs as important, and certainly I would never prioritise my needs over someone elses. This is something that I worked through with help in counselling a few years ago. I've been putting it into practice on this diet, especially recently with my Mum, who is definitely a food pusher! I've finally realised that for me it is more important to stay on my diet and follow the plan that will help me to be healthy than it is to eat the dessert / cake / biscuits that Mum has cooked 'because they're my favourite' - especially given that I've explained to her about the diet that I'm on, and I know she's proud of all that I've achieved so far.

I'm round at a friend's house later this week, and she can be a food pusher too. I've already talked to her and reminded her about my diet and explained that I will eat just a little meat & vegetables but nothing else. If she tries to push more when I'm there, I'm just going to be polite but firm about it. It does feel good reminding myself that following my diet really is a priority for me, and that that is OK, even if it means minor disappointments to the food pushers that I know!

Today was a good WS day, and I'm planning a TS day tomorrow. Feeling good about the week, and really looking forward to the scales moving down again for next Saturday's weigh-in. I can't believe the next stones number will be the 13's, and to think I was scared about getting into the 16's not so long ago!
You can so get into them 13's hun!! And that seems like a very good lesson about the food can be hard to resist, not because we actually want to eat but because we dont want to offend anyone. It does take a bit of getting used to but I have found it really does get easier with a bit of practice. My sisters came over today with a pack of doughnuts...I was never even tempted!! When she came in she said, have you lost weight, I said yeah a bit, she replied how have you done that then? not eating things like those doughnuts!! She saw the funny side...then ate 2!!! lol..x
OK, Beck day 30, can't believe I've got less than 2 weeks to go on the book! I think I'll start it again in June, to try and keep reinforcing the lessons I'm learning :)

Today - stay in control when eating out. This one is something I seem to have mastered pretty well in the last few months. As a lot of my social things with friends are either dinner out at a pub / restaurant or dinner at someone's house, I felt I wanted to keep doing this after the first few weeks on the diet. I always look up the menu in advance to get a feel for the sort of things they do and plan something that I will be able to eat & enjoy without having too many calories or coming out of ketosis. I've also got more confident about asking for things the way I want them, i.e. without chips, or without sauce or .... and have sent things back that haven't come the way I requested - Previously I would not have been bold enough to even make the request in the first place, let alone send something back... and then I would be tempted to nibble on just one... (more like twenty one) chips... and then think 'blow it, I may as well have pudding now I've done that'.

I'm supposed to plan to eat out one day this week (but having done that 4 times last week, I don't think I need the extra 'practice'!.... although would be a good excuse... hmmm, stop that thinking!)
Today I've been reflecting on this journey, and I feel really proud that I've stuck with it so far, and let it challenge my thinking and ways of feeling / dealing with emotions.

I feel like, because of the lessons I've been learning, that as well as losing the weight, it's like it's peeling back layers of me, layers that I've been hiding behind, using as a shield / defense to keep other people or situations away from me.

I'm becoming more confident to really be the person that I am, and am finding that really exciting. I was thinking about my episode with my presentation last week, where my first call was chocolate, procrastination and avoidance. Many years ago, in the same sort of situation I would probably have stuck with the chocolate, let it trigger asthma (as I'm quite sensitve to a lot of foods), got ill, and used that as an excuse for not preparing properly - i.e. sabotaging myself on every front all at the same time.

I know I've still got more to learn, and certainly still need more practice at resisting the call of chocolate / biscuits, but am really pleased that I started this journey, and am finding a way forward, bit by bit, day by day.

I feel like, even if I stopped this diet tomorrow (which I'm not even considering!) that the things I've learned so far will stay with me forever, they're not things that any one or thing can take away from me.

I know my sabotaging thoughts will still happen, but it's finally sinking in that just having a thought does not mean that I have to follow that through with a choice to eat stuff, and that choice really is mine to make!

I'm excited, nervous, looking forward to finding out what lessons I'll learn next. I'm also starting to really believe that there will be a way through this when I come back to conventional food at the end of the weight loss bit, to actually find a way to live and be that is healthy and maintains my weight and leaves me feeling well.

Exciting times :)
That is so exciting hun! You really are inspirational. You have achieved so much and are right to be proud. Beck is such a great way to change mindsets aswell, and it's gonna be so soon that you can go back to real food in a controlled and normal way! I'm rooting for you babe xxx

Thanks Jennie, I'm really positive that it will be possible this time; and I'm so determined to work through any more issues that pop up along the way.
Logging on here to give myself some credit and to try and resist the lure of the fridge! I've been out on my bike this morning, instead of taking the car. I took our daughter out to playgroup, so it was about 4 miles each way. Since getting back, I keep wondering about eating something... I know it's really thirst. Anyway, credit because so far I've just had my shake and my soup and nothing that I didn't plan to eat. Hoping logging on will help keep me strong for a bit longer!
cybill said:
Logging on here to give myself some credit and to try and resist the lure of the fridge! I've been out on my bike this morning, instead of taking the car. I took our daughter out to playgroup, so it was about 4 miles each way. Since getting back, I keep wondering about eating something... I know it's really thirst. Anyway, credit because so far I've just had my shake and my soup and nothing that I didn't plan to eat. Hoping logging on will help keep me strong for a bit longer!

Well done you! I'm doing the same cause I feel like I want to eat but don't need to.

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Beck day 31. Ooh, this is a nice easy one for me - Decide about alcohol. As I don't drink much even when not on this diet, I made a decision that those were really easy calories to cut out.

I think I'll do day 32 as well - Prepare for Travel. Now this one is a good one for me, as I know I've sometimes been willing to use a trip away as an excuse to eat other things. With my panel coming up in a couple of weeks, where I'll be away for a few days, I've been wondering what to do. Earlier today I talked it through with my hubby, and I've decided I'll stick to low carb, and take along some bars too, particularly for breakfast where there often isn't a low carb option available. I think I'll also take some cans of coke zero along, to have as an alternative to all the water I also drink.

Hmm, it does feel better starting to plan things more in advance, although I do rebel against it a bit too! Oh well, things to still work on :)
Time to go and have a nice hot bath, and avoid any more temptations. Woohoo, end of a TS day :)
Breakfast is easy low carb cybill.....bacon and eggs...mmmm!!! haha!!

Well done on getting through the day TS. It sounds like you are having quite a journey there, I watch carefully to see how it works out for you!!..xx
I so love your diary Rachel....your are doing amazingly well as ever. This beck book sounds like a real eye opener- think I may have to invest in one to help improve and re-build my relationships with these food monkeys! Take care chick and thanks for all your support too xx
ladygaga said:
I so love your diary Rachel....your are doing amazingly well as ever. This beck book sounds like a real eye opener- think I may have to invest in one to help improve and re-build my relationships with these food monkeys! Take care chick and thanks for all your support too xx

You should def get commission :)
Missed yesterday, it's weird, I had withdrawals from you and this site! Anyway, it was a busy day at work and then I was out all evening. I was really good though, I was round at a friends for dinner, and I stuck to working solution. After the meal she brought out some chocolates, and although I was very tempted - in fact they kept calling to me for the whole hour they were on the table, I stayed strong and didn't put one even near my mouth :) It does feel good to have resisted... wish I didn't have the tempting thought in the first place, but hey hum. Glad that I'm getting stronger at resisting, and hopefully it will keep getting easier.

Day 33 Beck - eliminate emotional eating! This is definitely a good one for me. Having read the day, I'm pleased with myself that this is something I'd started to become more aware of already. I know now that when I'm nervous or worried about something, I avoid thinking about it by eating, which doesn't really help anything. I'm sure there are other emotions I've dealt with by eating before too, so it will be interesting as those situations come up, to see if I notice how I'm feeling before I've reached straight for food! I think the no-choice post it notes are starting to help. I do chuckle every time I see one, just when I was starting to contemplate eating something.

About to take little one over to a friend's, I know there will be food around... no choice, no choice, no choice! Gotta get it into my head :)