Same as me Ams! I want to lose 1-2 stone! I have no idea how long it will take either, the cambridge diet is completely new to me! Glad you're feeling good again
The soup made such a nice change, hot and fairly normal tasting. I can see why you're a fan Bubbly! Have you managed to shift the headache? Keep drinking that water (have a swig now, go on, I'll wait

The sleep/appetite link is quite well established Ria. Also appetite increases around a woman's period- aren't we girls lucky?!

(not!) How long till your hols now? 9 days? Are you going for 2 weeks?
Last night was a HUGE struggle for me! All I could think about was food and how hungry I was. And how it would probably keep me from sleeping properly again

I did manage to drop off though, and woke up at the much more reasonable time of 5.30. I wish that I could sleep easily. I wouldn't mind but 1) I need to sleep 2) I can't eat if I'm asleep! 3) the time goes way too slowly in the late/early hours and sleep makes them go quicker!
Will the sleep get easier? Anything that helps?
And although i felt perfectly normal during spinning, at night i was ravenous! Think on exercise days I might need to have more...
To all those who have stuck to sole source for weeks and months, a very big applause!! And how did you do it?! Answers on a postcard please
Busy busy day ahead today