The Princess Diaries ♥ 2014 will be the year I earn my crown (ok, Target badge)!

Well, got to Pizza Hut and the pasta I'd planned to have wasn't even on the menu! Panicked a little bit and then decided to do the £6.99 buffet instead. I had a huge plate of salad from the salad bar and a bit of the bolognese pasta. I've looked on Syns online and it says buffet bolognese is 2 Syns per 100g and an average portion of bolognese from Pizza Hut is 8.5 Syns. I don't think I had anywhere near 8.5 Syns worth, but I'll allocated those Syns just to be on the safe side! Everyone around me was eating pizza, and it didn't even bother me. I feel really satisfied with what I've had. They ordered a Birthday cake from Pizza Hut too, which has been brought back to the office. Strangely, I don't even fancy a bit! I've got a rocky road HiFi Light in my drawer, so I'll have that instead once the cake is being passed around. Stevie 1 - 0 Pizza Hut :)
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love your diary:) subscribing (if i can figure out how!)
love your diary:) subscribing (if i can figure out how!)

Hehe, thank you! It automatically subscribes you once you comment :) xx
Just a quick post as I'm updating from my phone, will get it more organised later.

Extra Easy

- Apple, Strawberries, Blueberries and Grapes

- Jacket Potato with Baked Beans

Dinner (Indian Takeaway):
- Chicken Jalfrezi (8.5 Syns) with Boiled Rice and Salad

- 2 x HiFi Light (HExB)

Healthy A:
Healthy B: 2 x HiFi Light

Daily Syns: 8.5
Weekly Syns: 47.5 / 105
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I am applauding your PH skills - i could not go there and not have a pizza! there is a certain smell of PH and it gets me every time. Good intentions go out the window haha!

Well done xx
How are you doing today stevie?

And I agree btw, well done at Pizza Hut. I wouldn't have been able to resist a pizza either! Good on you.
Hi everyone. I'm fine, sorry I've been AWOL again. Had lots of things going on, with my Grandad's ongoing illness and then my nanna had a fall in Darlington yesterday too and hasn't been well. It's as though it's just one thing after another, and I haven't really had the time for my usual posts on here.

I had a gain on Tuesday, 3lb. Actually I was quite pleased with that. Especially after I missed group last week after I'd been to York for the weekend. And then I ended up going out Saturday just gone, and with one thing and another I haven't really been on plan at all from Saturday night. I got back on it first thing Wednesday morning though. I'm back up to 12st 8lb now, and I really don't want to gain any more!! 7.5lb to get back down to my lowest weight of 12st 0.5lb - I'm hoping to make a dent in that next Tuesday.

This is my food diary for yesterday...


= Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- Banana
- Apple (S), Strawberries (SS), Blueberries and Grapes

- Ryvita (HExB) topped with Tesco Light Choices Cottage Cheese and Jalapenos
- Pack of 6 x Mini BN Biscuits (9 Syns)


- Warm Chicken (S) and Bacon Salad (Lettuce (S), Cucumber (S), Mixed Peppers (S), Red Onion (S) and Cherry Tomatoes (S))

- 2 x HiFi Light (HExB)
- Coffee made up with Milk (HExA)

Healthy A:
250ml Semi Skimmed Milk
Healthy B: 4 x Ryvita Original & 2 x HiFi Light

Daily Syns: 9
Weekly Syns: 9 / 105

And this is my food diary for today...


= Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- Apple (S), Strawberries (SS), Raspberries and Blackberries
- WW Lemon Tart Yogurt

- Salad (Lettuce (S), Cucumber (S), Mixed Peppers (S) and Red Onion (S)) with Tesco Sweet Chilli Chicken Pieces (S)
- Walkers Salt & Vinegar French Fries (4 Syns)


- Chicken Breast (S) stuffed with Mozzarella (HExA) and wrapped in Bacon. Served with Carrot "Chips" (S) and Roasted Vegetables (Peppers (S), Red Onion (S), Mushrooms (S) and Cherry Tomatoes (S))
- WW Raspberry Tart Yogurt

- Berry Bakewell HiFi (HExB)
- 3 x Finn Crisp (½ HExB)
- HiFi Light (½ HExB)
- Bag of Fox's Mini Party Rings (6 Syns)
- 2 x Miniature Reeses Peanut Butter Cups (4.5 Syns)

Healthy A:
45g Mozzarella
Healthy B: 1 x HiFi & 3 Finn Crisps / 1 x HiFi Light

Daily Syns: 14.5
Weekly Syns: 23.5 / 105
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Hi Stevie,

Sorry to hear about your grandparents problems but a massive 'well done' on your attitude towards your weight loss. It's very difficult being focused when you've got problems like that, so I'm wishing you good luck.

Your food looks fantastic. Would you mind explaining how you do your carrots, please? I tried, but they just went flabby although they looked almost burnt - really not appetising!
Thank you both. Feeling really quite fed up at the moment but I'm trying my best to stay focused and interested in Slimming World as a way to take my mind off things, so far so good this week. Although the dreaded weekend has arrived! I'm out for a family meal tonight though which will be fine, and I'm pretty skint so if all goes to plan I'll be in on Saturday night.

The carrots are lovely! I usually just buy a bag of pre-chopped carrot batons from Tesco. Put them on a baking tray, spray with frylight and sprinkle with Aromat / garlic and chilli. Then just pop then in the oven. They do take ages, maybe 40 minutes or so but I keep turning them every 10-15 to make sure they don't burn. They don't go as crunchy as the normal SW chips do, but they are lovely. Persevere with them, they are worth it! Xx
Having a very rare Extra Easy day today. I'm out for a meal tonight - it's a big family get together as my Great Aunty is soon moving from Consett to Stratford-upon-Avon, so it's probably the last time we'll all be together. Have had a look at the menu ahead of going, and it looks like the best thing to have is going to be steak, with a few tweaks! I'll ask for the steak to be cooked without any oil firstly. It comes with chips, mushrooms, baked tomatoes and onion rings - but you do get the option to swap the chips for new potatoes, so I'll do that and ask for them without butter. I'll skip the onion rings (not keen on them anyway), and ask if they will bake the mushrooms with the tomato (without oil), rather than frying them. May even just see if they can do me a little bit of salad to go with it instead. Will still allow 6 Syns for it, just incase. As you can never really be too sure. It's ages since I've had steak, so I'm looking forward to it actually, and it will be great to have all of the family together :)

Extra Easy

(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- Weetabix (HExB) with a Banana and Milk (HExA)

- Salad (Lettuce (S), Cucumber (S), Mixed Peppers (S) and Red Onion (S)) with Tesco Sweet Chilli Chicken Pieces (S)

- Walkers Cheese & Onion French Fries (4 Syns)
- WW Lemon Tart Yogurt

Dinner (Meal out):
- Steak served with New Potatoes and Salad (Mixed Lettuce (S), Red Onion (S), Cucumber (S), Carrot (S) Peppers (S), and Cherry Tomatoes (S)) (Going to allow 6 Syns for any oil)

- Apple
- Rocky Road HiFi Light (3 Syns)

Healthy A:
250ml Semi Skimmed Milk
Healthy B: 2 x Weetabix

Daily Syns: 13
Weekly Syns: 36.5 / 105
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Been so good today! Had a Freddo in my drawer thats been shouting my name for the last hour or so, but I've just had an apple instead :) Really wanting to keep the last of todays Syns so that I can have something sweet when I get home from the meal tonight. Stevie 1 - 0 Temptation!
You're doing so well and have a great attitude during difficult times. Really admire your planning for events and nights out :)
Talking of Freddos have u seen the Freddo faces? They are in bags and are 9 syns i think....i was so tempted but resisted!!! Xxx
Thanks all. Really pleased with how last night went, for once I actually got the meal exactly how I asked for it first time around. You know what it's like, you ask for no oil or dressing and it comes absolutely swimming - not last night. I had a gorgeous rump steak which came with 4 decent sized boiled potatoes (no butter or oil) and a lovely salad of mixed leaves, carrot, cucumber, red onion, peppers and cherry tomatoes. All without dressing. Couldn't have asked for more! :)

Ooh yes, have seen the Freddo faces. Didn't think they were up to much though! I mean, they're just plain cadburys chocolate, and for 9 Syns I'd want something more than that. You can have a Daim bar for 7.5 Syns! I am just really fussy what I spend my Syns on lol! Xx
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