I am feeling a lot more positive this week, I must admit. Just needed to keep away Sunday-Tuesday as I was just a big ball of frustration and wouldn't have been very good conversation or support. I felt better staying to group on Tuesday night - the two weeks previous I either hadn't gone or had just weighed and left, as I had plans. My C was away both weeks too, and now that she's back and I've been and gone back to group properly I feel refreshed and positive again.
Yesterday I got back on plan 100%. I've set myself a few little challenges to keep me going this week. The first is to go back to basics, and I'm hoping to do mostly Extra Easy days this week. As much as I love Red & Green days, I think they may be my downfall. I am greedy, and sometimes I feel I am just having my second lot of HEx's just because I can, not because I am hungry. I also tend to have a bit of a carb overload on Green days, so hoping that sticking to lots of EE days I can focus more on SuperFree foods which will spur on my weight loss. As I've done a LOT of emotional eating lately, that's another thing I'm hoping to eventually get out of the habbit of. When things get tough this week I've told myself I'll distract myself with a non-food treat, rather than reaching for high Syn foods for comfort. Things like a nice bubble bath, painting my nails, treating myself to a new magazine, etc. are all ideas. I'm also aiming to stick to 5 Syns per day on weekdays, and then I'll allow myself 15 on a weekend as I know that's when I like to use more. I will also admit that I have gotten back into the habbit of using weigh night as a cheat night and I realise it's not some kind of black hole. I'm hoping that by sticking to 5 Syns per weekday and 15 on a weekend, I'll still have plenty left for a nice treat on a Tuesday night. In fact, I've already got a chicken jalfrezi (8.5 Syns) with boiled rice and salad planned for my post-WI treat next week. So with all these challenges in place, lets just hope I can stick to them.
This was my food yesterday:
Extra Easy
(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed
- Apple (S), Strawberries (SS), Blueberries and Grapes
- Tesco Moroccan Chicken Couscous Salad (5 Syns)
- Banana
- Quorn and Vegetable Pasta Bake (Quorn Pieces (S), Mushrooms (S), Peppers (S), Red Onion (S), Cherry Tomatoes (S), Chopped Tomatoes (S), Tomato Puree (S) and FF Greek Yogurt) topped with Cheese (HExA)
- Berry Bakewell HiFi (HExB)
Healthy A: 40g Low Low Grated
Healthy B: 1 x HiFi
Daily Syns: 5
Weekly Syns: 5 / 105