The Princess Diaries ♥ 2014 will be the year I earn my crown (ok, Target badge)!

Having just stumbled across your thread, I have to ask can I go from EE to red days for the odd one? im just understanding EE!!!

yep u can u can do anyday that u want but if u start one day for example as extra easy u must finish it as that but u can choose whatever plan you want per day
Yup, spot on. You can mix & match your days as you please!! I just tend to do a lot of red days as I find it helps to keep the bloat at a minimum. I am a massive carb fiend and I thinks sometimes I overdo it on the potato and pasta. So you could do one day Extra Easy, and then the next day red if you wanted. I think theres a sticky explaining more about it on the main Slimming World forum. Or your pack should be able to explain better! I am terrible at explaining stuff xx
Good morning diary, Happy Friday! A wet and miserable one here today, typically ahead of the weekend! It's been relatively nice here all week too whilst I've been stuck at work. Nevermind.

Not really sure what my plans are for this weekend. I was meant to be going to the cinema tonight to see "The Purge" but I just realised it finished last night! Damn. So that's that idea out of the window lol. Katie and I had planned to go out for a few drinks tomorrow night too, but if I'm honest I don't really feel like it. I really want to give it 100% this week and I don't want to let anything get in my way! It's my birthday on the 8th July, so next weekend (6th) I'm off out to celebrate. I know that will be a Synful weekend so I'd really like to do quite well this week to put myself a few steps ahead. Anyway, we will see.

I'm going to have another Red day today - really enjoying them at the moment! Although I've not anything planned for tea (with thinking I would be out at the cinema). Might grab some stirfry or something on the way home. Haven't had that for ages!

Here goes day three...


(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- Apple (S), Pineapple (S), Strawberries (SS), Blueberries and Grapes

- Tesco Light Choices 2 x Chicken Breasts (S) in a Tomato and Basil Sauce (2 Syns)
- 2 x Mini Rocky Road Bites (6 Syns)

- 1 x Rocky Road HiFi Light (HExB)
- 2 x Ryvita (HExB) (S) topped with Red Pepper and Chilli Low Low (HExA)
- Bottle of Rose Wine (27 Syns)
- 2 x Wine Gums (2 Syns)

Healthy A:
60g Low Low Spread
Healthy B: 2 x HiFi Light & 2 x Ryvita Original

Daily Syns: 37
Weekly Syns: 52.5 / 105
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Hope you dont mind me jumping aboard your diary but have read it for a while & not commented. You're photos are brilliant - you've done amazing.
Hi guys. Back again after yet another little disappearing act :eek: I feel like such an idiot coming on here with all good intentions at the start of the week, then it getting to a weekend and me just disappearing - and as you can probably guess, going well and truly off the rails. It's beginning to get really embarrassing now. But I am really struggling at the moment, I had another gain last night of half a lb.

So, after two gains running (albeit, rather small in the grand scheme of things) and my Birthday coming up this week, I am giving myself a serious kick up the backside!! Following a long chat with The Messiah (my consultant, Nic) last night, I have made some plans which I am determined to put into action to help me with a maintain this week. I have nothing on until Saturday, so my aim is to be 100% on plan until then! I've sat down and written a food plan for the week, which will help. I'm aiming to use minimal Syns Wednesday, Thursday and Friday so that the weekend can be flexible.

Saturday I am going out for a meal and then a night out with the girls. We're going to a gorgeous Italian, and as it's my Birthday I want to enjoy what I have. I've already decided that I'm going to have mushrooms stuffed with chicken liver pate to start, and then butterfly pasta with chicken and mushrooms in a light cream sauce for main. Not Slimming World friendly in the slightest, but my plan is to start the day on Saturday as on plan as possible - lots of yummy SuperFree fruit for breakfast and although I'll probably have a glass or two of wine and soda with my meal, I'll aim to stick to vodka and diet coke for the rest of the night to help keep Syns at a minimum.

Sunday is probably going to be the biggest danger zone this week. The main reason I struggled last week, and came in with a gain, was not because of my night out on Friday, it was because of all the rubbish I ate in the days afterwards. My aim this time around is to let go of the guilt, and not to think "oh well, I've ruined it now anyway" and then shovel 42 packets of crisps down my neck lol! I've conquered this before, but old habits are starting to creep in again. It's good that I've cracked it before though, because I know I can do it again. I've planned a Green day for Sunday so that if (cough cough) I happen to be a little hungover and craving junk food, I can make myself loads of yummy SW chips. I can also have two lots of Healthy Extras, so I'm planning on making pizzas using WW wholemeal pittas (B). I'm also going to plan into my day a couple of packets of crisps and a bar of chocolate. When I was talking to Nic last night we decided that by allowing for some "naughty" food, I am probably more likely to stick to plan, rather than telling myself "no, you're not allowed it" and then craving it more and going berserk when I crack and give in.

Then we have Monday, which is my actual Birthday. This is going to be similar, in a way, to Saturday. I'm planning on starting the day on plan with lots of fruit for breakfast, and then at lunchtime we're off to another Italian for lunch. Although I won't be 100% on plan, I am going to try and reign it in a little and not be as "off plan" as Saturdays meal. I haven't decided on what I'm going to have yet, but I'm thinking tomato and mozzarella starter (could use mozzarella as my A choice and ask for no olive oil/dressing), and then maybe lasagne or chicken arabiatta for main. Again, maybe a glass or two of wine and soda, but nothing over the top (it is a Monday afternoon, afterall!!) And then my plan is to get back on the wagon for the rest of the day - if I feel I need to even eat anything more after that lot!! Phew!

As my weekend is going to be flexi-Synned, it's going to be hard keeping track of how many Syns I'll have had this week. I'll try and keep a track of them daily, but in all honesty this week for me is more about getting the control back. I am not aiming for a loss at all. I would be more than happy to see a maintain next Tuesday.

Anyway, sorry to bore you all with this on a Wednesday morning, but I sometimes feel that writing stuff down gets things off my chest, and by telling you all my plans for the week I feel like hopefully I have more of a reason to stick to them.

Here's my food plan for today...


(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- Pomegranate

- Ryvita (HExB) topped with Fat Free Cottage Cheese

- 3 x Linda McCartney Rosemary and Red Onion Sausages served with Mustard Mash (HExA + 1 Syn), Carrots (S), Green Beans (S) and Peas (SS) and Roasted Red Onions (S) and Mushrooms (S)

- Berry Bakewell HiFi (HExB)

Healthy A:
250ml Semi Skimmed Milk
Healthy B: 4 x Ryvita Original & 1 x HiFi

Daily Syns: 1
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hey hun dont worry about the gain - and it sounds like you are fully planned up. I hope you have a lovely time and birthday! I have got weekend stuff going on too so its harder than normal to stay on track......we can do it though! xxx
Sounds like another in sync weekend for me and you! Glad you had a nice weekend! I just could not snap out of the holiday mentality and you'd think a 5lb would get you out of the zone but nope. Expecting another gain tonight after naughty picnics, cider and fast food.
but again, like yourself my plan for this week is already up and on my wall. Full of fast food style meals so I don't feel deprived in the slightest. Fingers crossed for us both!
Hi stevie. Please don't feel embarrassed, we've all been there (especially me lol).

I dont want to sound condescending or patronising but have you looked at other reasons/factors that could result in you being off plan so often. Do you think you could be feeling quite down, perhaps even depressed? Things have been tough for you recently with the break up which is totally understandable. Perhaps you are using food as a comfort. I'm a believer that you really need to be in a certain frame of mind to diet and lose weight, and if you're not you need to take time to think about it and why you are not in the right frame of mind to do this I.e depression, anxiety. In fact I look at is at a holistic approach; looking at other factors in your life that mean that you're just not in that right place at the moment. Losing weight I think is a really hard thing to do.

With me, I've realised that I associate enjoyment with food For example, I can't look forward to a party if I know that I am going to have to eat healthily and follow sw. It seems like I can only enjoy something if I am going to be eating lots, drinking lots etc. it's a mindset I am trying really hard to get out of at the moment but it is hard. I'm trying to look forward to sw food (such as one of my fave meals), look forward to how I'm going to feel about myself, the people ill see etc for events like this so that I don't think solely about the food aspect.

It's so hard isn't it. I know you've said before about not wanting to stop sw as you are afraid of going totally off plan (which I can definitely understand) but do you think that maybe you need a break from dietting? You have done fantastically well and you should be so proud of yourself, but perhaps it's got a bit much for you. Have you thought about calling target and just working at maintaining for a while? It might take some of the pressure off of you.

Once again I really hope I don't come across as patronising and that i make sense but it's just I can relate to you in a lot if ways. Please remember how far you've come because you have done so incredibly well!
Hi stevie. Please don't feel embarrassed, we've all been there (especially me lol).

I dont want to sound condescending or patronising but have you looked at other reasons/factors that could result in you being off plan so often. Do you think you could be feeling quite down, perhaps even depressed? Things have been tough for you recently with the break up which is totally understandable. Perhaps you are using food as a comfort. I'm a believer that you really need to be in a certain frame of mind to diet and lose weight, and if you're not you need to take time to think about it and why you are not in the right frame of mind to do this I.e depression, anxiety. In fact I look at is at a holistic approach; looking at other factors in your life that mean that you're just not in that right place at the moment. Losing weight I think is a really hard thing to do.

With me, I've realised that I associate enjoyment with food For example, I can't look forward to a party if I know that I am going to have to eat healthily and follow sw. It seems like I can only enjoy something if I am going to be eating lots, drinking lots etc. it's a mindset I am trying really hard to get out of at the moment but it is hard. I'm trying to look forward to sw food (such as one of my fave meals), look forward to how I'm going to feel about myself, the people ill see etc for events like this so that I don't think solely about the food aspect.

It's so hard isn't it. I know you've said before about not wanting to stop sw as you are afraid of going totally off plan (which I can definitely understand) but do you think that maybe you need a break from dietting? You have done fantastically well and you should be so proud of yourself, but perhaps it's got a bit much for you. Have you thought about calling target and just working at maintaining for a while? It might take some of the pressure off of you.

Once again I really hope I don't come across as patronising and that i make sense but it's just I can relate to you in a lot if ways. Please remember how far you've come because you have done so incredibly well!

Hi hun. Thank you so much for taking the time to post. You know what, I think you've hit the nail on the head with a lot of that.

I don't think I'd go as far as to say I am depressed, but I have certainly been quite down and just not quite myself the past 3 or 4 weeks. I am starting to pick back up a bit now - this last weekend out with old friends really helped! - and I feel that I may now be ready to move on.

I am terrible for beating myself up and feeling guilty about things. This is the main thing I want to move on and away from. That is my focus this week. If you can't enjoy yourself guilt-free over your Birthday, then when can you!

The problem with me is that I am definitely an emotional eater. I eat when I am happy, I eat when I am sad. You name an emotion and I can find an excuse to eat for it!! But like you said, I am trying my hardest to focus on other things, rather than the food aspect. I am looking forward to spending time with the girls on Saturday and really letting my hair down. The food will be nice, but it's not the be all and end all.

I really don't want to call target as I'd feel like an utter cheat. This isn't my target - far from it! My aim for this week is a maintain, but after that I want to get the ball rolling again with the losses. I mean, I got as far down as 12st 1, so getting back there is my first goal. I think starting up mini-goals along the way is going to be one idea, as they really helped me in the past. I need to do it in such a way that I don't pressure myself too much though.

The main thing for me this week is to get the control back. One thing my consultant mentioned to me last night was about choicepower. When your willpower is low - let choicepower kick in. You have the choice over what you are going to have, and what result you are going to see on the scales next week. I think once I get the control back this week, and get my Birthday celebrations over and done with, I should be okay.

Taking it one step at a time!
Good morning diary, Happy Thursday. Not long now and the weekend will be upon us! I am so ready for it. I've felt really worn out this week so I'm ready for a little break. I will be using matchsticks to keep my eyes open today - I struggled to get to sleep last night for some reason, think I was too hot. When I finally got to sleep, well after midnight, it felt as though I had only nodded off for a little while and I heard my brother getting up. That was about 4am - he's off to Marbella until Monday for one of his best friends stag do's. Lucky so and so! He has only just come back from another stag do in Vegas!! The life of Riley.

Anyway, aside from being a little sleepy, I am feeling good today. I had planned to have Red days Monday - Friday, but I enjoyed my Green day yesterday so much that I'm having another today! Trying not to overdo it on the carbs though. Although I know pasta, potato etc. is free, I still think that I overdo it sometimes. I am a proper carb fiend!!

Also managed to keep my Syns to a minimum yesterday, using just 1 Syn for a couple of tsp's of wholegrain mustard for my mash. It was gorgeous! Today is looking as though it will be Syn free, which is good! I want to save as many as I can for the weekend. Which I must say, I am really looking forward to!

Actually, talking of the weekend. I am trying to choose an outfit to wear for Saturday, and I wondered if you lovely lot fancied giving me your opinion? I have managed to narrow it down to four:


I also posted this on my Facebook page, and so far the majority of people have said the pink dress as it shows off my figure best. I agree that it does, but the only thing I am thinking is that I am going out at 3pm, and I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable walking around with my legs out in a little dress and heels at that time of day. So far I am thinking the black lace maxi dress. It is classy but sassy - it's tasteful enough to be going out in the afternoon dressed like that, but also quite glam and should be fine for the night time too. The floral maxi dress with the cape is also lovely, but I have worn it before (albeit only once). I really wanted to wear something brand new, which the other outfits are. The last outfit I am thinking of wearing on Monday, when I go for the meal with my mam and dad. It is a pair of those "disco pants" - basically high waisted shiny trousers - with a lovely lace cami I picked up in the sale the other day. It is probably not dressy enough for what I like on a night out, but I think it would be perfect for a little shopping and then lunch! Maybe with a handbag though, rather than the clutch. I am still open to opinions though - what do you think??

Here goes day number two . . .


(S) = Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed

- Strawberries (SS), Blueberries and Grapes with Fat Free Greek Yogurt
- Apple (S)

- Ryvita (HExB) topped with Red Pepper and Chilli Low Low (HExA)
- Chicken and Sweetcorn Mug Shot

- Quiche made with 3 x Eggs, Quorn Pieces (S), Peppers (S), Red Onion (S), Mushrooms (S) and Cherry Tomatoes (S), topped with Cheese (HExA). Served with Baked Beans (SS)
- Strawberries (SS)

- Special K Dark Chocolate Chewy Delight (HExB)

Healthy A:
60g Low Low Spread & 40g Low Low Grated
Healthy B: 4 x Ryvita Original & 1 x Special K Chewy Delight

Daily Syns: 0
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hi... i know this doesn't help but they all look lovely on you. I think the pink dress is the nicest but i know what you mean about going out at 3... so if you don't feel comfortable go for the black dress :)

i couldn't sleep last night either it was too hot.

Food looks lovely as always... enjoy your syn free day :D xx
I say black maxi :) Lovely food again! x
God, I'm well hungry today!! Just had to have a Mug Shot to tide me over, otherwise I don't think I'd have made it until tea time (will be about 7pm tonight, after I've gotten back from Katies). I don't really like using processed stuff like Mug Shots and the like these days, but I suppose once in a blue moon won't hurt.
They all look nice but I think the 4th one looks the best. Go with whatever is the most comfy for you.

Have a lovely time.

Mmm tea tonight:


And now for a "treat" before bed, yummy!! :) (Not sure why the pic has uploaded twice, doh!!)


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