Im hoping we have a hot summer to make up for this cold start to the year!
I would like to turn my heating off one day soon!!! Im sure its been on permanent since Isabel was born! Arghh-!!!

I want a bbq!!!
Didn't click before Stevie but my kettle bells instructor works in a gym at aycliffe, wonder if its the Same gym x
Was a bit AWOL yesterday, sorry about that. I did end up going out on Saturday night :eek: How predictable am I! Had a good night though and think I am still within my Syns. I am still going to try and stick to no Syns today though and am doing my 3 exercise classes tonight.

Really really want 1.5lb off tomorrow.

Today is a Green day . . .

= Speed (SS) = SuperSpeed


- Apple (S), Pineapple (S) and Strawberries (SS)
- 3 x Finn Crisp (1/2 HExB)

- Finn Crisp (HExB) topped with Cracked Black Pepper Low Low (HExA)
- Chicken and Sweetcorn Mug Shot


1 x Rocky Road HiFi Light (1/2 HExB)

Healthy A: 60g Low Low Spread
Healthy B: 9 x Finn Crisp & 1 x HiFi Light
Hehe at you going out! Good luck for the 1.5lbs tomorrow, I think you'll do it with all the exercise :)
Really not looking forward to WI tonight. Sick of repeating myself each week. I feel like every week I start off with good intentions then it gets to the weekend and it all goes pete tong. I am also struggling on a Monday, the day before WI, when I just want to eat anything and everything in sight!! So am not expecting a loss tonight. Will be lucky if I maintain. Looks like the 2.5st award will have to wait for yet another week. In a month I have lost 1.5lb. Pathetic. Really feeling quite low and disappointed with myself. In fact, I am losing all faith in myself.
Big hugs Stevie...don't be so hard on yourself you are doing brilliantly! You could always take tonights weigh in as a holiday? Or you can go and get it out of the way and then have a good week starting from tomorrow and taking it one day at a time x Look at your pics hun you are gorgeous and have come so far and are young so should be enjoying yourself! There is no need to rush to target I've learnt as to keep it off we need to stick at it so we may as well take steady and have some fun along the way too! xx
There's no way I can take it as a holiday, I'd never get back on plan! I need to face the scales and then move on. Which I say every week and up to now it just isn't happening.

It's not so much that I am trying to rush to target. I am just frustrated that I can't just manage one God damn week being 100% on plan. In the 6 weeks after Christmas I did amazingly. And now. Well now I am just embarrassed about the last month or so. It's like the same sob story week in week out. No matter what I do or say, I can't get it right.

Why can't I do this anymore :(
:bighug:I don't really know what to say as I totally get where you're coming from- that's the point I had got to which is why I changed what I was doing but I know it's not for you. You used to do Success Express in the past when you got a bit stuck? You could maybe give that a go and then when the weekend strikes, maybes it would give you some breathing room. Aside from that, 1 day at a time. You have come so far already! xx
Cheer up lovely, you know you can do it! You've done so well already. Sometimes our social lives get in the way of our weight loss, but you have to enjoy yourself sometimes :) I know how you feel, its so frustrating when you go off plan on a weekend after a 100% week, but you have bounced back before and I know you can do it again. Take each day as it comes, and good luck for weigh in! Don't give up Stevie :) xx
You can't be far from target now hun so it's natural that it will be getting tougher. Also you are very hard on yourself when really you only had a minor blip for one day/night and you have loads of syns in hand anyway. Maybe you should just try to maintain for a few weeks to give your body a wee rest and then you'll be ready to have another concerted run at it after a rest. :D Good luck for tonight. :D Whatever the result you've done fab and you do have to live your life too. :D
There's no way I can take it as a holiday, I'd never get back on plan! I need to face the scales and then move on. Which I say every week and up to now it just isn't happening.

It's not so much that I am trying to rush to target. I am just frustrated that I can't just manage one God damn week being 100% on plan. In the 6 weeks after Christmas I did amazingly. And now. Well now I am just embarrassed about the last month or so. It's like the same sob story week in week out. No matter what I do or say, I can't get it right.

Why can't I do this anymore :(
Well thats fab that you don't want to take it as hol because you want to get on with it! You aren't givng up you are keeping going!
You do face the scales and move on every week !
I haven't done a 100% week myself for ages either and as much as I'd love to I am trying not to be down about it because it could be a lot worse.
Don't look at what you aren't doing but what you are doing. Look at the percentage you are on plan and congratulate yourself on that you have nothing to be embarrassed about at all.

Looking at your info you have been on here and is that the same for sw for 2 years? Its bloody hard work sticking to it long term, its a fab diet and one of the best to stick to but still hard work! Its hard when lots around us don't seem to have to make the same choices we have to but you do make those good choices most of the time and it shows and I am envious of people like you who are/have done it while young enough to enjoy it!
Can't you try and do 100% days and see how many of those stack up rather than feeling overwhelmed at the start of the week by having 7 to tackle? This week might not be the easiest coming up with easter and 2 bank hols how are you planning to tackle that? x
1lb on :(
You've faced the scales now and can look ahead to a fresh week xx

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