I HATE HATE HATE hardcore exercise bug I need to tone up.
Me too Lou - I love walking, hate the gym... but it's gotta be done!
I will not be able to do it ever day as I have the kids with me but in definitely gonna give it a go.
I do it every evening after work and about an hour after dinner - any sooner and I'd probably throw up
but I don't have kids, just a Doberman who runs around in front of me barking because she can't work out what I am up too - daft dog
You will still see results Lou, just not as quickly - I've got a friend who does every other day as she can't stand the pain the day after the work out. It took her about 3 months but she is looking so different now
She has the bug too and is doing the abs one next....oooowwwwww!!!
I don't have weights do will have to use tins of beans.
I use two large tins of grapefruit - about 1.2lbs each - as I only have 5lb weights and they are just tooo heavy right now. It works
I biked the 5 miles to and from work today and am glossing the doors while kids are in bed tonight so I may have to put it on hold til tomorrow I'll see how tired I am later.
Dont' overdo it..... you'll burn out! I am not toned at ALL my body fat percentage was in the 40's last time I checked so I need to get that down and I look like a big pile of blubber and loose skin with no clothes on. Thanks to my 3 children lol.
You can make huge difference Lou - my body fat has now dropped from 37% to 35.5% in 7 weeks and I am losing inches too. Last time I did it I was massively stronger and had loads more stamina after 30 days as well. Worth doing, but don't feel pressured to keep it up every day if it really hurts too much - do it at your own pace.Xx
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