Yippeeeeeeee - well done Woodland Girl.Hello chatty lot!
0.4 off this weekgoing going......!!!! X
Pommette said:1¼ lbs on. Third week in a row that I've had a gain.
I'm putting it down to being cold and eating too many carbs!
:beam: I've been faffing around since early September trying to get to target.
:needhug: and I am really going to kick a$$ this week.
Good luck everyone else.
1¼ lbs on. Third week in a row that I've had a gain.
I'm putting it down to being cold and eating too many carbs!
:beam: I've been faffing around since early September trying to get to target.
:needhug: and I am really going to kick a$$ this week.
Good luck everyone else.
conlou1 said:hugs annya and pomette. stupid winter sucks, i always used to naturally put 7-10 pounds on through winter then lose it through spring so i feel like im fighting a losing battle atm. maybe a lotto win and 6 months in a hot country with a hot personal trainer and naked chef would do the trick??? hmm....lol
(((((((((((((((((huge hug to you )))))))))))))) keep the faith ! x1¼ lbs on. Third week in a row that I've had a gain.
I'm putting it down to being cold and eating too many carbs!
:beam: I've been faffing around since early September trying to get to target.
:needhug: and I am really going to kick a$$ this week.
Good luck everyone else.
Thanks for putting a link to this thread in the 12stones to 11 thread as I, and I'm sure others, wouldn't have known it was here. I am currently managing ok weight losses 1-2 lb a week so it is good to know there is a place for 'tortoise team'.
well i have had worse weekends before food wise, i couldnt face eating til tea time saturday and i had 3 slices of thin base pizza and some chips cheese and garlic oh and a bakewell tart, but that was it all day and today all ive had is pasta cos i spent 3 hours cooking casserole then had the ridiculous idea of putting cloves in it and ruined it, it tasted horrid and went in the bin. my shopping isnt coming until 8am so ive had pickled onions for my tea...im wasting away. better shopping planning needs to happen!!!
Oh how I wish! Mind you, all I need is the personal trainer. I have the hot country and personal chef (hubby does nearly all the cooking. . . maybe a lotto win and 6 months in a hot country with a hot personal trainer and naked chef would do the trick??? hmm....lol
That really sucks Annya. But it's better to be well over the winter.I have just had my steroid dose increased this morning because winter is coming and I am now at risk of pneumonia - weight gain here I come :cry:
conlou1 said:well its weigh day!!! i do feel like ive lost weight. like i was saying to my mum, whilst i had half a thin based pizza, chips and cheese and a bakewell tart on saturday...that was all i had all day, calorie wise it wont have been more than 2000, and i know sw isnt calorie counting but weight loss works ona energy intake and output no matter what diet your on, so im hoping that my excellent work around saturday...an i was REALLY good....has stopped another gain, im hoping for a little loss if im honest. fingers crossed!!!
thanks hels, i will heed your advice!
chinese isnt too bad if you pick certain things, chow mein isnt too bad ans the rice is ok, also they do alot of vege dishes. maybe you could limit it by having a read of the food directory and seeing which chinese meals are the lowest in syns and trying to stick to these? also drink plenty of water if your feeling a bit bloated i felt like that yesterday and drank about 4 pints of sugar free juice and today i dont feel bloated at all and managed to go to toilet as ive been a bit *ahem bunged up after a week of strict red days!!