hey everyone, hope youve all had a good day??
ive been very very good today, been working all afty at my now 2 cleaning jobs, so im walking for upto an hour and a half to get there and back, 20 minutes between jobs and 2 hours solid cleaning at each job so 4 in total, so thats a total of almost 6 hours exercise in 1day!! althought today i cheated and got the bus there and my good old mum took me home cos im a poorly girl

full of cold today and not really feeling much like eating anything, mum made me have a steak and broccolli at hers and i made a red day soup, i grated 3 onions fried it in fry light, put in pork, bacon with fat off, carrots, tin of chopped tomatos, 1 and a half pints of chicken stock, loads of mushrooms, fresh coriander and ground coriander, fresh basil, and i think that was it...thats free isnt it?? was very tasty!!
felicity, you say your not feeling motivated atm..why hunni?? c'mon girly, you can do it!!!
annya, hugs on the gain. hope your steroids dont affect you too much.
i have been prepared this week, and have done my online shopping its getting delivered tomorrow!! ive ordered lots of walnuts as im going to have these as my healthy b's as im cutting out bread and cereals for a while and just doing red days. im at a friends tomorrow but have decided to just take 2 cans of the slimline ready mixed gin and tonic and buy an extra bottle of slimline tonic to add to it as they are doubles in the cans.