Jools: Thanks babe! Purple's one of my favs too
Purple, blue and black
The Champagne League race was tonight, but the big thing is the Humber Half Marathon, which is about a week and a half away. CL was OK, did an alright time, though used up most of my energy in the first four miles
Clarri: Thanks babe, I love it so much! I'm thrilled with it, it's better than I could have imagined. And thank you for the encouragement too
Race went OK, though leg was really painful after. Hayfever played up as well, I'm not made for summer running, especially not XC
Despite struggling with the XC a little, I'm still aiming for big things next year; mountains and marathons. Going to do my first marathon and start fell running next year
I'm pretty excited! Get the Humber Half out the way, and start thinking about going longer distances.
The day's gone pretty well. I've been a bit naughty though, and occasionally had a sneaky dried date or dried apple ring. But I don't think I'll have broken the calorie bank, I've made up for it in other ways by making sensible replacements (100g of peas (49kcals) instead of 80g sweetcorn (83kcals) for example.)
Tomorrow will be awesome, I've decided. Going rollerblading in the afternoon, that'll keep me amused