Happy Sunday All!
Heartbeats: Awesome, that's great to know! And such a relief; one of my friends put 2 stone on
Silence: Hey lovely! Thank you for the well wishes
PurpleButterfly: Hehe! Nothing phases me, no worries! Thanks for sharing! That makes sense, I'm not big on taking something everyday that alters my insides, and I'm not big on how the pills are likely developed (animal tested, most meds are.) But thanks for the info, that's really helped

I'm going to see how the pill goes then decide.
Kazzy: Totally! I don't think there can ever be too much information, it doesn't bug me. Aww thanks babe

I appreciate that!
Urgh... Thursday - Saturday were not good at all. Thursday was Hitchcocks; Friday I had treats from the America box, flapjack in town, as well as a massive plate of chips and veggie cornish pasty for tea.
Yesterday was going swimmingly - ate right, went for a 6/7 mile run - then we had our Eurovision party... had 2 slices of garlic bread, 4 mini veggie spring rolls, loads of carrot sticks (good) with looooooads of houmous (not so good), 3/4 of a tear and share flatbread, small handful of chips, then chocolate gateaux after :copon: Major d'oh!
Today's had a better start: dry granola and sultanas for breakie; apple, vegan cheese, bread roll with marmite, dried fruit and a caramel Snack a Jack for lunch (which I'm just having now.) Tea TBC.
My fiance's sister had a baby this morning!! So we have a little nephew

Probably won't meet him until the wedding - sis-in-law-to-be lives in Bristol - but at least most the crying/liquid pooing/vomiting phase will be out of the way!
Making dry run origami bouqets for my bridesmaids... need to buy paper later...
Have a good last of weekend all!