Happy Friday everyone!
Rori: Thanks, babe! Haha, sucks JK got there, but before her there was Worst Witch and all sorts. She just got lucky, evil woman

Urgh, believe me, those last kilos are killing me, the last year or so has been spent hell bent on getting rid of them. Moving back home didn't help though...
Silence: No worries hun! Thanks, babe! Oo, the Chinese was wonderful as always
abz: Ahahaha! Long story with the thing on my head... My friend at uni had this inflatable beer cooler that he used as a hat, and got people to pose with. So far there's me, about 3 other guys and shots of the "hat" being held over a poster of James Bond!
Frijj: Not doing too bad, ta! Feeling very lazy and sluggish today, must be friday!
Well, I would say the weigh in was a dead loss, but as there was no loss involved, I won't. Still at 64kgs, but because it's an analogue scale it's hard to tell if halfs have ome off. The needle looked closer to the 10st anyway, which would be a lb loss, but I'm not going to confirm anything or remove a bunny until a full kilo has been lost.
So because it's friday, and because I was a bit bummed out this morning, I've had a shocking day eating. No, really, it's been bad! At least I went for an 8 mile run to make up for it all! Had a sausage and tofu sandwich for breakfast, chocolates throughout the morning, occasional leftover prawncrackers, then after the usual lunch selection had...
Oh boy, was it ever worth the wait! So good, so rich, I don't know how my folks have managed a piece after tea for three nights straight! Best bit, no one even guessed it was vegan, and it tasted just as good as the original, maybe better as the tofu made it denser and more moist!
Having such a lazy day today (which most will disagree with, what with running 8 miles...) but just feel so lethargic and can't be bothered-ey. So quitting work for the day and going to see my fiance instead. He finished his last exam today (YAY!!!) so going to celebrate! We may end up going out for dinner, but hey, I've already gotten this deep with the eating of crap... I'm pretty well versed at the selecting of healthy options, not that it'll make a difference now!! Heh!
As I'm staying over, I'll probably not be back online while Saturday evening - going to work on wedding dress too - so I'll catch you all then. Have a spendiferous weekend!