The Spoon and Me -- Bronski's Diary

oooo what business you after running,,, details lol
hi I've been trying to lose almost the same amount of weight you want to lose, oh well hope you will have better luck than me x.
Kazzy: It's not so much a business, per se, it's enhancing my freelance status. I need the start up grant to make things like websites, business cards and leaflets to advertise my illustrations and animations. Then I need an adviser, because I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing!!

Georgiestar: Wotcha! We do have pretty similar amounts, yeah! You've done ace so far, go you :) We'll both reach our goals, bud, don't put yourself down. We should push each other on or something, a shove in the small of the back has always helped me in the past ;)

Sounds really good bron, good luck i hope you get it

Yesterday ended well, and today has started equally brilliantly!

My biggest challenge today is making my step mum's birthday brownie. I love to bake, and I love to lick spoons. And I love to try that first bit of chocolate brownie as it leaves the oven... But I'm going to sit on my hands, and-

Hang on, can't make brownie then...

-going to duct tape my mouth and with any luck no brownie will pass my lips. No buttercream will get in there either... So long as I make sure someone saves me some for Friday, it should be fine.

The other big challenge is actually fitting some work in today. At least my client's been a bit slow recently, so there's not so much pressure on me.

Better get ready to head out. Stay cool, gang!

Well, the brownie's in. I'll be honest, I had one lick of the spatula, more to curiously test the mixture as I subbed tofu for eggs. Needed to check it tasted passable still. And - happy days - it does!

Once it's done, I'm going to have a small try, because again, it's a modified recipe. If it tastes rubbish, then I'm going to have to run out and buy a sponge instead!

I'm having lunch early too, that way with any luck I'll get some work done today too.

OK, I sucumed to the brownie... had a rather larger bite than had planned, and did kinda scoop my finger round the edge. But I didn't lick the buttercream spoons... just my fingers when it ended up on them :D

Still, staying strong for later; going to not have any until friday after weigh in. Overall, I think I handled this baking brownie thing a lot better than when I've cooked them previously, which I'm relatively happy about!

Getting Chinese later for step mum's birthday, will only serve half and have tomorrow's dinner out of it too. Am about to go running with the club so that should help cover a lot of today's boo-boos.

Peace out!

yeah a good run should help burn of the brownie but ahhh well be hard to bake something and not lick the spoon or test it
Nomnom brownie. Yuuuuuuuum!
Kazzy: Oh believe me, that run will certainly have burnt off that brownie bite!! Hehe! You're right though, has to be tested before serving to the family! :D

Ellie: Totally :D Not just any brownie, a brownie with 300g worth of chocolate with chocolate fudge on top! And buttercream blobs!


In hindsite, I should have taken a picture of the brownie masterpiece. I'd shaped it into a paint palette (my stepmum's an artist) but everyone's had a piece already. Everyone, except moi! I'm not going to be too high and mighty about it, it's not like I didn't have any at all!

Went out with running club for the first time in a long time. We did 8 miles and man, it nearly killed me! I'm not a summer runner, I get bad hayfever on my chest. That coupled with my dropped fitness levels after going away meant it wasn't one of my better ones, but I finished it! Woo...

Brownie aside, today has been great! Had usual start to the day, plus a snack before running. Had couscous, veg and tomato sauce, pickled onions and veggie fish cakes, and raisens after.

Had some real drama earlier, our pet lizard was really poorly :( Had to be rushed to vet, who just said he was a very, very sick dragon. He's home now, and here's hoping he gets better. So 'cos we had to pay for the consultation, we didn't get Chinese in the end. Waistline is grateful.

Anywho, time for bed. Night night, all!

i hope the lizard is better soon nothing worse than a poorly pet,, hope you have a good day today keep it up your doing good
Awww I hope Mr Dragon is feeling better today!
Well done on only having one bite of the brownie, bron and super well done on running 8 miles!!!
Hey! Well done on resisting the brownie, I think you can be forgiven for one bite! And running 8 miles is no mean feat at all. Maaan my hat goes off to you, that's excellent. And hope your dragon is better now.
are you into graphic design bron? I did that at college!

yeah we will get there in the end :)

welldone with just one bite of the brownie!! and that run !
Kazzy: Thanks babe! Nothing more distressing and expensive than a poorly pet. Especially an exotic one...

Silence: Hehe! Thanks :D I keep seeing the brownie on the side and eye it up! But so far, brownie free zone!

Ellie: Aww shucks :D At my peak I was running 9/10 miles a session, I'm trying to get back to that distance for the half marathon in June.

GeorgieStar: Oh wow, I wish I did some more focus on the graphical side of things now, there's a lot of jobs for graphic designers. I'm more an illustrator, less computers more pencils :) My degree was in animation, so the only Adobe packages I used were the motion media based ones, with a little dabbling in Photoshop.


Quick run down of the day: cereal and raisens for breakie; bean salad, Naked bar and single leftover spud at lunch; apple and piece of vegan cheese for snack.

Teatime has been a bit manic. As I've already whinged about, a regular visitor's over, who even though I love dearly, means that he comes over and dinner doesn't get sorted until he leaves, about 10.30. So even though it's 11pm, I'm having my curry now. But I was starving earlier on, so had several mouthfuls of the curry mix while the rice was cooking and half a veggie finger leftover from Guides.

Then one of the Guides was leaving, and she brought cake. She really, really pushed me to have some - I even used the "I have a wedding dress to fit into" excuse! - but she cut me an extrememly small piece, probably smaller than yesterday's brownie bite, but still feel guilty.

Speaking of Guides and wedding, I might live to regret this choice, but I've invited all 30 of the girls to the wedding ceromony!! Insane? Clearly!

Need a better today if the scales are going to change positively...

Hahaha.... that's awesome! 30 girl guides at your wedding, you are one brave lady! I'm sure they'll be amazing though! One of my good friends out here runs a brownie pack, said she'd never do guides because teenage girls are evil! But I used to help out at my cousins brownie pack and think I might get back to it when I go home, there's nothing like sitting up til 4 in the morning eating cookies (non-fat, non-calorie of course) with a bunch of 8 year old girls at brownie camp!
I used to be a Brownie leader, but when I went to Lincoln for uni, they needed Guide leaders. No one wants to be a Guide leader, I wonder why... Heh, nah, the girls aren't too bad. Some of the younger ones are still very much like Brownies. Definitely get back into it, you get expense paid trips to ice skating and Playzone!! Yays!

Oooooooooooof, feeling full! Shouldn't have finished the curry, but didn't serve myself as much as what I normally get served. Friday feels dubious...

Just entered the Humber Half. So got to get the distance training back up, because I'm definitely running a half marathon in 4 weeks!
