Kazzy: Thanks babe! Nothing more distressing and expensive than a poorly pet. Especially an exotic one...
Silence: Hehe! Thanks

I keep seeing the brownie on the side and eye it up! But so far, brownie free zone!
Ellie: Aww shucks

At my peak I was running 9/10 miles a session, I'm trying to get back to that distance for the half marathon in June.
GeorgieStar: Oh wow, I wish I did some more focus on the graphical side of things now, there's a lot of jobs for graphic designers. I'm more an illustrator, less computers more pencils

My degree was in animation, so the only Adobe packages I used were the motion media based ones, with a little dabbling in Photoshop.
Quick run down of the day: cereal and raisens for breakie; bean salad, Naked bar and single leftover spud at lunch; apple and piece of vegan cheese for snack.
Teatime has been a bit manic. As I've already whinged about, a regular visitor's over, who even though I love dearly, means that he comes over and dinner doesn't get sorted until he leaves, about 10.30. So even though it's 11pm, I'm having my curry now. But I was starving earlier on, so had several mouthfuls of the curry mix while the rice was cooking and half a veggie finger leftover from Guides.
Then one of the Guides was leaving, and she brought cake. She really, really pushed me to have some - I even used the "I have a wedding dress to fit into" excuse! - but she cut me an extrememly small piece, probably smaller than yesterday's brownie bite, but still feel guilty.
Speaking of Guides and wedding, I might live to regret this choice, but I've invited all 30 of the girls to the wedding ceromony!! Insane? Clearly!
Need a better today if the scales are going to change positively...