Hey jess,
Just read through your thread and am insprired by your willpower.
Well done on your success so far.
I'm on my first week of SW and am not sure that it is working for me. Don;t feel any thinner and feel really down.
Ah well - sticking to it.
What are SW crisps??
hello & thanks.... welcome to my page & to slimming world!
Oh i so know what you mean, some weeks when ive been good but eat loads i dont feel any thinner. the other week i lost 5lb. i was so shocked as i didnt feel i did or anything, but after i got home i looked in the mirror an just felt slimmer & that i looked it.. Strange how your mind works eh!!
Whens your first weigh in?
like Chezza said, peel potato an thinly slice (i use one of them cheese slicers or other side on my cheese grater) Spray with frylight an season with what ever flavor an put in microwave. be careful as whole depate of its a 'tweek' which is using free foods in ways you shouldnt as you could eat tremendously more that way. i.e. you couldnt eat 3 potatoes boiled or mashed etc but made into crisps you could.
Hey jess,
Just read through your thread and am insprired by your willpower.
Well done on your success so far.
I'm on my first week of SW and am not sure that it is working for me. Don;t feel any thinner and feel really down.
Ah well - sticking to it.
What are SW crisps??
The power of the mind is really and truly amazing - I am just starting to realise that. What we think we will become - so if you believe and really make time (and it can be while in the shower, bath or waiting for kids etc) that you are getting thinner, your subconscious will listen and do it's best to make that happen. Try some affirmations - I've just started them & last year would have told you it was all ridiculous nonsense from people who eat tissues ;-)
As for eating 3 potatoes - the old me could have tackled 3lb of them head on, never mind 3 .... lol.
oh and forgot to add - do you know how bloody fantastic you have done? Really - your diary will inspire so many people. I nearly tried xenical as never thought "I" could lose weight, so glad it took a different path, as not only have I lost the weight, I claimed the responsibility and own my own success - and you do too.
well i mean large ones but on SW lol. never mind the old usbut sometimes our will power does cave!
thank you, sometimes i dont think it or feel it when weight loss slows or been rocky with lots of gains but its my own fault an not been as focused or will powered.. Im also glad i tried a different path, im glad you did too. if our weight is that much of a issue we were going to do something drastic for it then i feel that that gives us the last kick we need to actually loose it ourself!
And I've discovered that giving yourself a kick up the ass is actually really good at improving your flexibility - I think everyone should try it at least once a day - 10 times.... with each leg ....
I often think if I hadn't done x or y then I could be this or this - but look at the much bigger picture - read your first post every day and see what the rest of us see - just how far you have come.
2lb every week between now and Christmas - we know we've got it in us ... can we get it out?
Hey Jess and Largerthanmost - thanks for replies!
I am feeling a little better and had a sneaky weigh in at home this morning and have lost 4lbs! so am dead chuffed.
I've experimented a bit with foods this weekend and made a really lovely spicy veg soup which is all free and have filled up on that.
Thanks for your encouraging words - you are right LTM - Only I can bring the spirit!
I'm loving the swimming and am determined to keep it up and make it a good habit!
I look forward to keeping in touch and sharing goals etc through the coming weeks...
Emms xx
My goal this week is a four lb loss!! I need this! Last week...I'm putting down to practise! Lol!
How are weall doing?
Just had another SW quiche and OMG was beautiful!