The start to my 7 stone loss!!

Chezza try eton mess. That's lovely. Can still add them fruits too :)

Rainbow Im other side Hull to Withernsea area :) so not really that far!
Its been like 1year an a month now. Xx
Yum Yum tea!

piri piri chips. beef veg rice with homemade stirfry & curry sauce(4syns)

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How do u do eaton mess? And is it synned? I was wondering if u could make the meringue with sweeteners....would it work n would it be free? And ur dinner loked lush.xx
it was lovely thanks!

look on here.. < will be syn free if make own meringues.. (below)

Syn Free meringues - will keep in an airtight tin for a week

4 Egg Whites
16 tbsp sweetener (allow 4 tbsp per Egg White)

Preheat oven to 110C
Line a baking sheet with non-stick baking paper.
In a large clean, greasefree bowl, whisk egg whites into soft peaks.
Whisk Splenda in a tablespoon at a time till stiff then fold in remaining with metal spoon. When whites become fluffy stop and lift up some mixture, it should stand up in stiff pointed peaks. Too much Splenda added at once will soften whites and prevent crispness etc. Beat mixture together well after each addition (but don't over-mix!)
Drop spoonfuls, spaced apart, onto paper using a teaspoon for small or dessertspoon for large meringues!
Bake for about 90 mins at a low temperature (or till dry and lift easily off paper). Slow gentle cooking ensures they are light and dry with no stickiness.
Cool at room temperature.

Top with fresh berries and 2 level tablespoons of aerosol cream for 1/2 syn
ohh so not feeling well this morning. had breakfast as thought it was because i needed to eat but feel worse :( Hoping il be ok for weigh in tonight...
Yeah that's what I was thinking Jess!

Oh no,,, What's wrong? Fingers crossed you feel better!

Had a strange stomach.. Ok now though!

Here's mine & sons lunch :)


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yay 3lb off :) 4lb from my 5 stone...
Well done hunni! Bet your well chuffed!! I cant wair for a result like that!

Went to Zumba this evening (been going on and off for nearly two years, was first class back since end of Aug) You tried it? I love it, it's fab!!

I love swimming too, I don my MP3 player and swim and swim! Going to get back into that tomorrow as well! I've had weeks off cos of training with work, holiday and illness :-(

What did you end up having for dinner? Cos it was mum's birthday and had to get to Zumba only just managed tea, was crab sticks, smoked cheese and chicken (weird I know!) But I enjoyed it!

Well done hunni! Bet your well chuffed!! I cant wair for a result like that!

Went to Zumba this evening (been going on and off for nearly two years, was first class back since end of Aug) You tried it? I love it, it's fab!!

I love swimming too, I don my MP3 player and swim and swim! Going to get back into that tomorrow as well! I've had weeks off cos of training with work, holiday and illness :-(

What did you end up having for dinner? Cos it was mum's birthday and had to get to Zumba only just managed tea, was crab sticks, smoked cheese and chicken (weird I know!) But I enjoyed it!


yes im pretty pleased :D

Im trying this month SO hard like i did when i first joined, i want to loose 8lb for Nov (even more if possible ;) )

No not tried zumba, ive got bad knees so cant do it :( maybe when im fixed up i can give it go...

Last nights meal ended up having black eyed beans & chilli (free ee an green)
I have a bad knee, shattered my knee cap when I was younger. It doesn't really effect it. But I know what you mean. I can't go on the stepper cos of it! (Good job I hate the stepper!) I've weighed again and looks like a lb off! I know I shouldn't but I can't help it!
Going to have a look at swimming timetable in a mo!
What's for tonight?

Ouch... yeah its my ligaments in knees, so they dislocate an go ways they shouldnt lol. an one kneecap few inches higher than should be.. got to wear leg braes all time.. sucks!! (but good as i can see the weightloss on my legs!! :D )

Im going to start doing my kettlebell exercises again, not to harsh an easy (say that now) to do lol. I used to love swimming! but hence knees its something cant do. So kettlebells for now, better than nothing!!

Lunch was the lovely tikka/tandorri chicken pieces with onion. pitta bread, salad, cheese an garlic sauce. yum! love it..
Dinner is beef stir fry tonight :)

Thinking of doing trifle for dessert too... whats tonights for you? xx
That's poo! Feel for ya!

My dinner is Gammon, poached eggs and steamed Asparagus!! Yummy! I have some small Milky Bar choc bars in fridge @ 3.5 syns so if I get a sweet tooth I'll have one of them. My all time fave choc!! :)

My friends do Kettlebell! They say it's really hard and they can't walk next morning! Was meant to be starting up with them but don't think they have in a while.

That's poo! Feel for ya!

My dinner is Gammon, poached eggs and steamed Asparagus!! Yummy! I have some small Milky Bar choc bars in fridge @ 3.5 syns so if I get a sweet tooth I'll have one of them. My all time fave choc!! :)

My friends do Kettlebell! They say it's really hard and they can't walk next morning! Was meant to be starting up with them but don't think they have in a while.


yeah used it it now though, been many years!

Ooo nice...

Last night was pork dinner, roasties, mash, asparagus, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots. 2 yorkshire puds (6syns) Gravy (2.5syns) Well worth the syns!

Tonights menu thinking chicken kievs :)
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DYJLIW the chair i used to fill when sitting in, now had a nice gap

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I'm doing a chicken breast tonight, not sure what with though!

Well done on the chair :)

Weighed again this loss! :-( Proper weigh day tomorrow! so we'll see! Might be the muscle with all the exercise! Lol!

tonight dinner.. coleslaw, cheesy.chips. chicken garlic Kiev with some cheese on top. 0syns. yum!


lol im same for weighing, earlier said 2lb gain. but I've had 100% week :-\
oh no, you know why you gained or was you 100% ?

Weighing is Tues for me but week been okay. ended up getting takeaway last night (kebab, so not too bad but had sauce) Just been cooking ready for our halloween party tonight an had sneaky 2 party sausages thats for the others oops! x
I had been 100% all week apart from a little Vodka last night, I knew it was going to be slow but not this slow! :-( Homemade kebab and chilli sauce for me. Really want a chop suey from ****** but will resist! Lol!! And I love party food.
