The story of happyhealthy's expedition to maintain!

What a fab NSV. You go girl!! People like that deserve to be put in their place.

Now, I was begining to think you had been abducted by aliens, then it hit me that actually, the aliens would not choose you to experiment on, because you would talk them to death!!!! HaHaHaHaHa :8855:
What a fab NSV. You go girl!! People like that deserve to be put in their place.

Now, I was begining to think you had been abducted by aliens, then it hit me that actually, the aliens would not choose you to experiment on, because you would talk them to death!!!! HaHaHaHaHa :8855:

Hawl you!! I'm sitting here crying at what you just said :sad0071: only kidding :D I'll remember that squeezy, if I were you I'd sleep with one eye open :D hehe
Fantistic news - down another pound :D :D :D

:banana dancer: :banana dancer: :banana dancer:

That means I'm ONE MEASLY POUND away from goal. OH MA GAWD! It's like this isn't happening - it's surreal. That's 36% of my body weight - more than a third- gone! I'm going to write a little reflection piece that you can all read because (and at the risk of sounding quite unstable) being so close to goal is well kinda emotional :wave_cry: Not in a sad way but it in pround/new era/happiness way :party0019:

On another note, made myself a tasty lunch. I know from the picture the veg content looks quite small, but it's in a bowl so there is about 2 inches of veg hiding under that chicken :D

  • 150g grilled hicken breast (seasoned) (174 calories)
  • Steamed carrots, broccili and sweetcorn (50 calories)


  • IMG_0155.jpg
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Well done you! I'm so excited for you!
Thanks Bostik :D I'm going to be the biggest pain in the bum when I reach goal - I think I might run around the country giving you all hugs to thank you for your support over the past few months lol! xx
How long did it take you to lose it?
I've posted this in the NSV thread so sorry if any of you are re-reading it for the gizzillionth time!

I just called about an hour ago an got offered a job to be the resident PrincessMascot in Hamleys :D I'll work Thursday-Tuesday and dress up as the princess characters and walk around the shop for photos and talking to all the costumers. I know that's not really weight related, but I doubt I would of got the job when I was bigger! Hehe, sorry for being so big-headed but I'm so happy :bliss:

How long did it take you to lose it?

I started 1st December 2010, so a few days under 7 months ago. I had a meal out yesterday so I'm hoping that there might be a little sodium gain from that and I'll make goal before 7 months. If I don't, I won't be sad but it would be great to say "I lost 67 pounds in 7 months!" hehe
Wow 67lb in 7 months you are amazing, your pic is gorgeous I'm so jealous you've done brill well done.x

Thank you, that's such a lovely thing to say :) The same can come to you if you stick to plan, if I can do it then so can you! xx
happyhealthy said:
I've just started a thread called "Happyhealthy: thoughts as I near goal :)" please have a little read if you can :)

Hope you're all having a lovely sunny day xx

Ok I've read it, had a bit of a cry but now I'm all good again. Have you ever thought of taking up writing for a living? You are so good at it. Thank you for sharing and well done for losing the weight so quickly. You really are an inspiration to us all.
I know I've only been around here a short while, but have to say what an inspiration you are HH! Well done on nearly being at goal and congratulations on the job! :happy036:


P.s That chicken looked bloody lovely!!!
Hehehe I used to be a themepark mascot in a giant rubber head :) its how i met my hubby lol princesses sounds much more fun!!!

Congrats on being almost at goal!!!!!

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That's amazing! Sometimes I think at the moment I am losing about 2lbs a week. This is gonna take ages! But 7 months losing all of that isn't long at all! Good job!

Also, congrats on your job! You look like a princess :)

Gonna go read your other thing now that you linked!
I've posted on your other thread, but just wanted to say well done on here for doing so well! You're a real inspiration and proof it works!
One day I'll work out how to drop in bits of other people's posts into here but until then..

Princess happyhealthy shout out loud and proud whilst dancing til you can't dance any more.

I'll read your new thread later but until then well done you. You are an inspiration :D