I haven't been on minimins in nearly a week!
Well, sadly the local internet cables decided to die, and since I'm away out in the country that doesn't make us a priority to get anything fixed within a week long period. :gen147: Anyhooo can't be helped! I've got so many diaries and so many of you people to reply too, it will take me a while but I will read all/reply tonight after the gym. I'll also give you guys a proper update, but until I do, here's the thought of the day (ok, I know I've never given a thought of the day but a good a time as any to start

I've always been a bit of a weirdo. Anyone who's known me for any amount of time would probably vote 'yes' on that. I'm pretty strong-willed and opinionated. I am determined and when I want something, it is hard to keep me from getting it.
If you ever meet someone who knows me, I've always been a little strange. Not in a creepy way like randomly dancing behind curtains at parties strange but more like an abnormal "I don't need to do something just because everyone else says it's normal" sort of way. For example, where food is concerned, I'd rather eat my dessert before my main course, because that way I won't be stuffed and I'll actually be able to appreciate the flavours and enjoy it without it being masked by the savoury main course - but people would just think you're crazy if you whipped out the ice cream before the spaghetti. That's just food wise though, there's lots of other little things too. Like if you pulled up beside me at traffic lights you'd probably catch me singing along to the radio and finishing off the chorus with a little hand jive to make Michael Jackson jelous.
It's not hard for me to be ok with being weird. I am not normal and, ironically, my weirdness is the norm for most that know me.
I eat differently now than I used to. I approach priorities in my life much differently than I used to and I've finally convinced myself that it's ok to be slightly odd.
When I go into word, I pack my lunch and snacks the day before. That means that I might look weird with my pre-measured portions but that's ok with me.
When I go out to eat, I don't join in and eat rubbish food just so I fit in. I don't think "better have 5 cocktails and a bag of chips too then". I am a weirdo and if someone says something, I've learned to be ok with that.
I plan ahead for things, using my calories wisely and even at dinners, eating what I want and not letting someone convince me to eat something I don't want. They may be annoyed with me but that's ok. They'll get over it.
Being a weirdo is fun because it turns out that when you buck the system and start to take responsibility for what goes in your mouth, the payoff is huge.
Here's what you might give up:
1. Fitting in with your friends or family's eating style
2, Eating on a whim when you aren't hungry
3. The disappointment and stress in the aftermath of a binge
Here's what you get:
1. A sense of accomplishment
2. A better understanding of yourself and how you got into the weight mess in the first place.
3. The realization that you are worth it and that the world doesn't end when you do something for yourself and don't work on pleasing everyone else.
I'm far from perfect and I have my bumps along the way but I come back to this truth very often. If eating bad is normal than I'd rather be weird.
Convince yourself that it's ok not to be normal sometimes. It's ok to be different. It isn't selfish to do what's best for you. No one is suffering when you turn down a piece of cake. Build up your resolve for this. Eating right is the number one indication of sticking with a healthy lifestyle long term.
Saying yes to bad food just to make other people happy can NEVER outdo poor eating. It's really that simple.
Always have the courage within yourself to do what you want in life, and most importantly, be who you want to be.
Hope you all have a beautiful day and I'll catch up with you all tonight xx