The "whatever" Exercise Challenge

I really want to give this a go!!! Not going to say I will achieve all 150 squats ... Definitely a challenge for me.
Better get on ....I have a couple of days of catching up to do. x
I tried the sit ups today. I've hurt my neck doing it so I need to have a rethink!!

I do a few things to target arms! Tricep dips for a start- using a step or the sofa. Then I get the tins, start with them down by your side and raise your arms out to the sides, palms (and tins) facing down and repeat. It kind of looks like your flapping. Sounds easy- try it and see!
Then arms out to the sides, palms facing up, draw your elbows in to your hips and repeat. To me, this feels like it gets biceps but in a different way to bicep curls.
I try do 20 of each, in two lots of 10. The flapping one gets your shoulders/back fat too lol
Walked sat and sun but failed today .. Will make up for it tomorrow x
Whilst away I did hooping 2 out of the 4 days and so much walking that it totally counts across all 4 days.

Today so far I have done 5 squats with my kettle bell and 10 of the swings. The hoop is still in car roof box so I'll do that this evening!
Wow! I'd need a decimal point inbetween! Haha
We do so much walking when we go away somewhere, most of it pushing a pushchair. I don't know it'd that makes it harder or easier? But last night we saw Brian Adams and after walking around all day I was like finally we can sit down......the husband got us standing up seats. Eugh.

Anyway a good 2 nights away and look what happened in those 2 days.

A Fitbit tan line.

Going to weigh in tonight after 3 days woth of eating out and having a hotel breakfast both mornings. I made good choices with a few cheats and I'm hoping the extra walking covers the 'guess work' I did while away.