I went AWOL. Went completely off track. Reason? Just been so completely down... My mum came to see me today at uni and text when she left saying she is worried about me.
The last two weeks since I got back to uni have been horrid. Me and my bf obviously split up and I thought I was doing really well but now that the distraction of my talk in London and my assignment have gone, I'm just so upset about not being with him. I totally love him and he still wants to be with me - but we both know that it's not going to work out so we are not together- almost wish we had split up in a horrible way so that we weren't still chatting like we were when we were together!
Then there is my house situation- I've semi explained it here before - was thinking earlier that a comparison would be an older wife being left for the young secretary! I've been friends with these boys for 1.5 years and had the most amazing time and because of these girls next door, hardly anyone in the house talks anymore. Well - the boys are all great friends but they hardly talk to me and the other girl anymore because they don't know how to handle he situation.
So, these two weeks have been the loneliest i think I have ever had.
Anyway... So I went completely off track the last couple of days, have pretty much stayed in my room, feeling miserable.
I'm trying to make some plans for the year to give myself things to look forward to and focus on. My dad has just booked his wedding for June and I will be the only Bridesmaid! I'm also going to a festival on croyde in June so need to be looking good for both!
They should be motivation enough!